Brief Details of what wallet is for Newbies in steemit.

Hello everyone this a post to explain our wallet in details for newly registered members

These are some things we will deliberate on:
• BALANCES, which has the subsets
• Steem
• Steem Power
• Steem Dollars
• Savings
• Estimated Account Value

What is Crypto Curriencies?
Crypto currencies are money in other words it must not necessarily be physically held, it can be literally anything but must possess some form of value to the society and can be exchanged for goods and services.
From my definition above, you will agree with me now that steem/steem dollar is money and to further convince you, will be looking at each of the listed options above.
What does this mean and how relevant is if? From a lame man's point of view, after purchasing a particular good or upon completing a particular task, you are been rewarded for it and this will call our balances. Accountants or accounting students will explain this to you more.
From the balance menu as shown under our wallet menu via steemit, it shows each and every of our coin that has been withdrawn, transferred, sent and received, this is the best I can say about it and I hope that covers that.
Steem is a crypto coin under the steem platform which can be gotten by purchasing it via an exchange medium like @blocktrades,@bittrex etc… or it can also be gotten by a process called power down via our steem power. It is somewhat related to steem dollar in a sense that, it can be sold out anytime and also converted to steem dollar and vice versa.
But its special power is the ability to power up into steem power giving us the ability to transfer more value to our upvoted posts, giving users that sweet reward we see on our post.
Under this stem wallet, there is a dropdown with virtually the same options with the drop down for the steem dollar wallet and we shall be looking at this options one after the other.
From the picture above a list of other options is provided to you and they all have their various functions and uses, so as not to get confused with anyone lets quickly take a look at them
Transfer, is just like our regular banking system, where we are able to transfer money from one account to another via our mobile set or using a deposit slip from the bank same thing applies here.
This is an option where a user can send out steem from his/her own account to another user's account. Let’s say I want to transfer steem from @autem to @aggroed, what I just need to do is click on the down arrow provided on the steem option and click on transfer and the new page below would been shown to me.
As you can see from the image above, we have FROM, TO, AMOUNT AND MEMO.
Each of them is there for a particular and different reason
FROM - This shows the username, that’s yours
TO – this space is provided for the receiver’s username. Here, the receiver's username is inputted. Like I said earlier, say I want to transfer steem to @aggroed all I need to do is input aggroed inside the TO box
AMOUNT – The required amount you would like to transfer to another user is inputted here, as you can see I have no steem currently available, although I do take if you have any spare , so if I had any and I wanted to send to @aggroed, all that is needed for me is to type in the amount.
MEMO – This is a box showing any message that is required from you by the receiving end. Say I wanted to send 10 steem to @aggroed telling them it is for a bag of rice, I would just type in inside and upon receiving the steem, the message is as well delivered to them and yes, the memo can also be left empty if the receiving end don’t need it.

Transfer to savings
Say, I would like to keep my stem for a longer time, don’t want to withdraw it anytime soon. All that is needed for me is to transfer the steem coin into the saving option and yes it is reflected on the savings menu shown below. The fund remains there and I can only request for it 3 days before I need it. This means if I need the Steem in 3 days’ time, I request for it today.
Power Up
Like I earlier said while explaining the power of Steem, the process by which you convert you Steem coin into Steem power is called power up and this can done with any and every amount. It does not require any time to convert from Steem to Steem power as this can be done within few seconds.
Like earlier said, Steem can be sold as well as bought from different exchanges. For easy transaction blocktrades was integrated into the platform and users can easily purchase and sell steem via this option with the use of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and some others.
Same as the above but the opposite, it’s a menu in which a user can sell his/her steem into any other coin like BTC, ETH, DODGE, LTC etc…
In other for easy conversion from steem to steem dollar and vice versa. This was designed to complement the traditional convert method which usually takes a longer time. But with the market, a user can now easily exchange his/her Steem into Steem dollar and vice versa using a bid option provided just like the image below. So you can place bid and when another user agrees with this, he picks your order up or you select the already existing bid as at the time of opening the market.


Let’s take it like this. Say you just registered a new account and just made your first post, a user comes in, sees your work and would like to reward you, he upvotes your work and soone later you see a figure attached to it. The steem power is responsible for the reward you get and the higher your Steem Power, the greater the amount of reward you can give another user.
Although, one might think if the higher your steem power why not just vote every work you come across, well the answer is VP , this limit your steem power ( This is a topic for another day). In other words, the more you upvote the lesser your voting power and the lesser the reward your vote is able to give. But the good part is after being left for some time, your voting power starts increasing once more and you are back to 100%.

Delegation, this also comes under steem power. When you create a new account, there is somewhat value attached to it say +27, that’s what we called delegation, this is steempower which was given to you by another user.
The + sign means you are a receiver and currently on a delegation
The negative sign means you delegated steem power to another user
The main figure attached just above this two, is your main steem power.
Just like the steem, there is also an arrow located close to it, upon clicking it you see the below.
Power Down
Just like power up from steem, this is the opposite and it means to convert your steem power back to steem and it usually take a longer time when compared to steem, 13 weeks to be exact for you to cashout the total amount of steem you must have selected. Say I select 202 Steem power, it means within that 13 weeks, 16Steem will be converted to liquid Steem weekly.
Same thing applies here, just like the way you purchase steem, so also you purchase steem power, but not all exchangers support steem power, and so, if you would love to own steem power and the selected exchanger you decides to use does not support steem power, just purchase steem and then power up.
Steem power and steem have same value, only that one is locked while the other is liquid (spendable)....
With the above, I believe it is quite explained.
Just like steem, this can also be purchased from exchangers like @blocktrades and others, also the traditional method of getting this is via post making, just like we mentioned above as are steem power gives you value, the value given to you is usually in two or one form and that is:
• Steem dollar and
• Steem power.
When making a post you can either decide to get your reward in just steem power or a combination of steem dollar and steem power and this can be done by either selecting 50/50 or 100%.
When you select 50/50, you want your reward to be in steem dollar and steem power and when you select 100%, it simply means you want the reward generated should come out in steem power only, while Decline payout, it means you don’t want any payment/reward from that post.

By default, your reward selection is always in 50/50, half steem dollar and half steempower.
This option is just like a saving system where users gets to save their coin be it steem or steem dollar for a long period of time and when needed, you just request for it and it is provided to you.
This tells you the total worth of your account as at the time you checked it, it calculates it in usd and it is the sum total of your steem, steem power and steem dollar. Be it wherever you saved it, be it on savings or the wallets itself. This total estimate is calculated using the current value of each token.

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