A MINNOW WITH THE HEART OF GOLD🌌 : (Appreciation Post)


Sometimes ago, @stellabelle wrote a wonderful post about "some minnows who possesses a whalish heart". I never really paid much attention to the post because, I didn't believe so much in myself or any other minnow for that matter to be a subject of her careful mental observation.

I found out in the long run, I was wrong! There are still noble people especially commendable minnows out here, one of such is @michaelcj. He really has shown how gratifying a minnow and how great a whale he is to become! One who looks to make others happy should be applauded. This made me believe I can also aspire to be more!

Not many people know to show gratefulness. @michaelcj is definitely not one of this kinds. When a person thinks to be thankful when done a Favour, he surely is worth that favor in the first place. Ungratefulness is the limitation to greatness. Thanks to @endee for her wonderful post which extensively emphasizes the need to be grateful at all time .... Read below

What has @michaelcj really done me to deserve all this accolades? I know you must have been thinking that.

I would fill the void of your curiosity without withholding.

Some weeks ago, he made a wonderful post which attracted some whales including @curie, @blocktrades amongst other, which in turn landed his post some valuable amount of SBDs (I think over a $100). According to a testimony he shared as a medium of thanks, he talked about his helping some starving kids get food and he was surprised at how favors quickly recycles. We shouldn't stop doing good, as there is a reward for even the commonest of things.
[Source](@michaelcj's blog)

In appreciation of this heavy visitation on his post, he decided to host a contest themed : IF NOT FOR BIG DREAMS. This is to encourage other minnows like himself who has started getting tired of the complicated cryptocurrency scheme(I was part of those "ye men of little faith")
The contest was a clarion call to newbies and those getting their hopes dashed to re-energize and restrategise them for better days ahead.
According to him:

hope should never die when we have the will to keep it alive

I was part of the contestants. I came second. I knew it was not like I wrote the second best or that I qualify the position but like I said, good people deserves good rewards, God's grace wouldn't stop speaking for me. I am glad i was able to lend a voice to soothe despaired souls through that contest post. I had people thanking me for being such an inspiration to them. You can read it here👇👇

I ended up being inspired to inspire

I got my due rewards for participation as promised by the wonderful host. Hence, I decided to show my own little appreciation by creating this post for him and using this medium to thank him for being a source of blessing to the newbie generation. @steemnaira being managed by him has never failed us too. May you continue to receive amazing visitations from destiny helpers in Steemit.
[Source](culled from @michaelcj's blog)

Thank you for your golden heart and don't stop being good. I also want to appreciate the judges in the persons of @dante31 and @greenrun. May your knowledge remain sound for a long time to come. To all those rendering selfless services to the community, say for example @ned @surpassinggoogle @sweetsssj @curie @cheetah @minnowboosters @destinysaid @sammest @ambmicheal @banjo @airhawk-project @genesisproject and to so much more working for the betterment of steemit, to you all, I say thank you.

Also, I won't fail to recognise some really amazing humble personalities whose humility moves heaven and a pointer as to why they remain great @pfunk @immarojas @surpassinggoogle @droth @dreamchasser @diskovery @plojslydia. These guys humility are topnotch. You must have noticed I love to appreciate people. It is the essence of my existence.

You people inspire me to do great everyday and as a good student, I have taken the steps to greatness.

I appreciate those who have taken their time to read this post to read this post till the end, your own testimony is coming sooner.


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