nfts + nano transactions + inclusion = open source audience


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it’s probably been spoken about ad nauseam in tiktoks and over the last week or so but we’ve had a few interesting developments in the crypto space when it comes to self governance, audience development and micro/nano payments — especially on the BSV blockchain.

two events happened.. . that prompted me to make the video.

  1. Tony Lanez sells 1 million copies of his NFT, priced at $1 each
  2. BitcoinSV has a pew pew festival and gets the TX records of the chain smoking!

So much happened in the process of these things that i had to break it down into bullet points because i think that makes the most sense for me as i like to have things in an easy to action format, it certainly made me feel reinvigorated again for all things micro payments.


are the new plaything right, find out what’s probably gonna trend, buy cheap, sell high, buy a bunch, build a collection, rinse and repeat — but what tony lanez did with his latest album was super smart and allowed him to not only move fast but to provide INCLUSION — i’m sure he was very happy to give away his album for only $1 when he’s opened up to a potential audience of one million new people (+/- percentage of people that bought a stack of nfts in bulk)

The crazy thing was is that this all happened in under a minute. Think about that for a moment, no record label, no middle man, no physical material copy needed to put on a prime position in a “record shop” (is that still a thing these days) — just STRAIGHT TO CONSUMER. Minimal listing fees to actually put up the NFT/ALBUM for sale.

Fans were able to pre-order up to 100 albums (e-NFTS) for $1, which included 7 new songs and 7 art pieces streaming exclusively via the E-NFT platform and app. After the initial 1 million units, albums are only available if buyers resell their E-NFT rights

Obviously the biggest win here is the fast turnaround of making BANK from selling copies of the album in NFT format (to many a new format because you need crypto currency to purchase ownership of the NFT/album) inclusion is a big win here as most big selling NFT’s are very expensive to buy unless you get into the relatively new fractional nft purchasing.


“cutting out the bullshit of the middle man” — musicians, artists and creators are realising that you no longer need the existing slow moving system of having a lot of money up front to get yourself out there, you just need a pre existing audience on a social media platform, maybe a few tiktok ads here and there, some instagram and influencers and some good SEO on youtube videos and a good twitter presence — bring it all together and cost effectively you can put together a successful project like the one tony lanez just had.

if you think about it, the next thing that’s truly going to be decentralized is things like the RIAA certification, the recording industry must be quaking in it’s boots that the next home grown artist that’s gonna blow up might not need to use the existing bricks and mortar industry at all, in fact, you could totally side step it and go indie — what company is gonna be able to promise you that you could get paid one million dollars in less than a minute?

the disruption is real, it’s here and it’s activated — the rap industry is gonna CLEAN UP in this area and this one million albums for a dollar each is opening up access.


what was the biggest win here apart from earning a million in a minute? access and inclusion, that fact that anyone could be part of this from just a dollar. I’m not sure what the gas costs were at the time of the launch but probably reasonable, maybe more than initially cost but over time that’s gonna be nano sized payments too — especially when you start to see spotify and apple music style type store as decentralised projects.

You could probably do very well spinning up something like this on solana or binance smart chain right now — even BSV which i’m about to get into next because they went big but from another angle but it all adds up to the same thing, low overheads, big reach, lots of TX records.


you’ve all heard of trickle down, trickle up economies i’m sure, but what i witnessed at the weekend was the trickle in, real time economy of a stream of nano payments issued on the bitcoinSV network, a network with the potential for massive blocks (we are talking gigs recently, although the notion of “world record” kinda personally was a turn off, not a fan of projection gloating) and incredibly low transaction fees.

All weekend i was receiving nano payments purely because i’ve either interacted with these people before or that my handle $humble was listed in my tweets or bio on twitter (they have bots trawling for these things) all because of #PewFest2021 the aim — awareness and amplication.

It worked wonderfully, props to investwithdiego for putting together the idea (i believe it was him) and all the people that took part to make it happen. The chain certainly needed some other marketing and conversation to happen aside from the recent flurry of 51% attacks on the chain which as far as i know are now over for the moment.


which got me thinking about the potential of these super fast block time blockchains in terms of engagement and participation — think of what the new modern day opera might be like in a virtual sense, let’s all assume we are all wearing 8k headsets and everything is as sharp and clear as if you were really there, your sharing a moment in time with other people who are there in that metaverse (of course as long as you have completed the metaID of the moment to proof of human you are actually taking part and your not some kinda of gamed bot)

The fact was i was receiving these little nano payments with little notes like a real time penpal receiving little pings and updates, it was super cool to watch and made me realising that in the same way that in the analog world involvement in spaces and places is what builds the fabric of the story for you and others that partake, in a digital sense you can be rewarded too for that involvement unlike what we do currently in the analog world.

Normally with opera you pay your ticket, you get a physical piece of paper for entry, watch the opera, speak to your partner or friends about how you felt about the evening and your done, you have a memory or experience that’s a very small bubble — but if you add the NFT component to this, that every opera ticket is an NFT then your part of a bigger batch of people that were there at a certain time, on a certain day, at a certain event

where something might have happened differently that others that went — what if you were all share holders in that’s taking for the evening, what if by purchasing the NFT a fraction went to all the people involved in the opera — the blockchain and small transaction and fast block times make the fragmentation of the payment side really interesting to build out.


What’s really cool from an audience perspective on BSV and using the paypistol (pew pew — think mobile gaming shooting games!) is that you can literally send a note to someone for $0.01 that’s crazy, you can REACH out to an audience of thousands for an incredibly low amount and whenever your feeling a little flush blast out to that audience

imagine if your monthly profits from a venue were split between an investor list you had of users and you could just automatically send out funds to them all at the same time — it could totally redefine “in time” geo location projects too — in fact a few projects are starting to do this — but imagine what you could do with time sensitive, geo locked, financial unlockables, that triggered events or even smart contracts for further expansion of the idea.


as you can probably tell, i’m excited about it all regardless, mainly because it’s INCLUSION and it’s CHEAP (i’m a gen-x’er so we automatically like optimised and cheap) — the fact that we can remove the middle man, experiment freely, creatively innovate the way we reach our audience, have access to that audience without data silos that we have to pay for to talk too — it’s gamechanging and people are already finding and using innovative ways to start the conversion and build access to audiences that existing globally and at the edge of the network.


In fact, i’d say at this stage, it’s worth anybodies time and money to put together a similar projects either on OPENSEA (eth) or PEW PEW (bsv) and start reaching out and building, you could build yourself a network of people that you can reach out too very quickly and push out that passion project you’ve been working on to a very forward thinking savvy audience that’s also experimenting with this new technology

the days of so called centralised ad networks is slowing coming to an end, inclusion and access for all is possible and there are working solutions today that you can use cost effectively to build your remote audience.

Peace x

(1 mill in 1 minute!)
(setup an advertiser account on BSV)
(setup on decentralized twitter)
(wide open for disruption)
(decentralised instagram)
($0.01 notification system on bsv/twitter - get the nft!)
(low cost real engagement twitter service on BSV)
(reach out to thousands of $handles on bsv at once!)

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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