I'm now Rarible verified!


Hiya! I'm so happy today since I got verified on rarible.com, one of the biggest NFT market place. So I have now a nifty yellow badge on my profile and this should help me get known in this vast world of NFTs.

After 20 years of drawing, wall painting, cutting out stencils, this is a new adventure for me. And I'm very happy about that.

The world of blockchains is interconnected, so it was an evidence to have my blog on one of them and I feel very welcome on Hive even if there is still a long way to go!

For now and to start I hit my NFTs when I post them and I don't put prices, I will see the offers! For some tokens I offer to send the buyer a postcard with the printed image, for this connection I have created a public channel on Telegram linked to a private group. Feel free to join the channel.

I'm also thinking of a way to offer exclusives stuff to members of the Hive community who interact with me.


Rarible: rarible.com/gnayboy
Telegram channel: t.me/gnayboy

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