Womplay - Play to Earn

TIme to explore another Play to Earn / NFT Platform. This time its WOMPLAY.IO


This site is largely an aggregator that brings together other games and lets you earn their local currency 'Wombucks' through downloading / playing / passing quests. The added kicker is that certain quests also provide you with NFTs.

A couple of points of interest for me:
1 - This works great on mobile - From the homescreen clicking the app allows you to directly link to the IOS link to download the game and play them natively.
2 - You can play both downloaded games and online games to earn awards.
3 - After a very quick intro and a few games I've earned $0.16 worth and one NFT (which I assume wouldn't carry much value.) As I play a bit more I'll be curios whether the earning power grows or slows.
4 - You as the user have the option to be paid out in pBTC or EOS depending on your preferred crypto usage.


This is a really interesting platform and costs nothing to start. If you're already playing it - Please comment and let me know what games you love and where you earn your most rewards. If you haven't given it a try yet (and please use my referral code :)

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