Thats right...almost that time again...NFL Mania!!!!


Well I am proud to say that I am a Buccaneers fan at heart and I have also grown to love the Broncos while living here in Colorado! And this season should be very interesting for both teams.

Let's start with the Bucs!


  • I'm expecting Winston to have a stellar year with the addition of D.Jackson and his new rookie TE. These guys should compliment M.Evans nicely
  • Running game will be a toss up... J.Rodgers, C.Sims, and D.Martin after his susp. I am not the most confident guy in this backfield, but we will see what opens up.
  • Defense should be rock solid behind a strong returning core of players

*I predict playoffs, wild card game with decent odds of winning, but will not go much farther.

Now for the Broncos!


  • QB situation very questionable. I don't see a strong contender in this group. I am hoping for a big turnaround from last season.
  • Running game should be strong if they can manage a good rotation between C.Anderson and J.Charles. They need to utilize these two correctly.... CJ for power and Charles in the open field
  • Receivers are very talented if a QB can get it to them
  • Defense ranks #1 or 2 in the NFL and should carry this team.

*I predict the same for the Broncos....Playoffs wild card game but not sure if they will win it.

These are my BOLD predictions before preseason has even started.....I love to track how closely I can get to the final outcomes.

Please comment with you thoughts!!!


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