Protests changed my mind about buying NFL Replay

I am a die hard Minnesota Vikings fan that lives outside the Vikings viewing area. The only way for me to see Vikings games legally is to purchase DirecTV and then purchase the NFL Sunday ticket. (just one more reason to hate the NFL) On a side note, this is how the music industry got hammered by Napster, because out of greed they refused to give their customers what they wanted which in this case is a way to purchase the rights to watch a single NFL game on-line on a game by game basis. Because I can't see the games I was about the pull the trigger on purchasing the NFL Replay. It's around $100 and would allow me to watch any NFL game 1 day after it's aired. Watching games the day after sucks all the fun out of it but when it's your only option.....

I think Trump went to far with what he said in AL about the NFL. Even though I agree with him, the government doesn't need to get involved in the business decisions of organizations and who they'll employ and who they wont. I know that's not what he was saying and he was just giving his opinion but still. Was a little over the top and didn't like the language he used when delivering it. Oh well, that's Trump and you take the good with the bad from him.

That being said, this whole NFL protest thing has me very upset. How can you protest the country in which you live? Which country is better and why not go move there? I understand that you want to protest something that is important to you but why stomp on the flag and military while doing it? Borderline treason. And then, in a display of unity you lock arms but in reality you divided the country even more. Unity would have been ignoring it and just moving forward. Division breads division. The players started it by taking a knee, Trump propetuated it by speaking about it at a rally, and the players amplified it by their display of 'unity/division' this week. When does it stop?

On Saturday I decided I was going to purchase the NFL Replay next paycheck so I could watch the games. On Sunday I changed my mind.

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