Nexty Platform - Instant transfer & Zero Transfer fee

Nexty platform is a platform which helps the e-commerce startups in running or growing fast by providing the funds. Nexty is a platform which works with the help of dual cryptocurrency confirmation system. Dual cryptocurrency currency confirmation is a system which includes two types of currency which work together. First of it is NTY which is the main cryptocurrency of this platform which is also used in the daily transactions. The second cryptocurrency is known as NTF which is Nexty Foundation Coin and it is used for trade assertion structure. Nexty platform also provides a very important feature like zero transfer fees, price stabilization system and many more. Any organization can raise funds with the help of Nexty Platform, Nexty had successfully reached to 9460000 pNTY (package equivalent to 10000 NTY ). All the left pNTY were added into Smart Staking Pool. Smart Staking Program is basically a system which stabilizes the demand and supply by providing the bonus and many more. This program also motivates NTY holders to sell or buy NTY which helps in the balancing of demand and supply.

Similarity and difference between NTY and NANO -

First, we talk about NTY

NTY is a coin which is used to do daily transactions in the Nexty Platform. NTY is the first cryptocurrency which provides Fast Instant Transfer. It is because Nexty Platform has a dual cryptocurrency confirmation system which works for all type of transaction which provides the speed of 2 seconds per transaction. It also does not include any cost for any transaction. NTY has a Consensus Algorithm ( POF ) system which is very balanced and it also motivates the society to engage in transaction confirmation. With the help of this NTF ( Nexty Foundation Coin ) holders receive NTF every month. It also includes Smart Staking Program which help the investors to increase their assets and for that they have to keep a minimum balance in their account. The exchange price of NYT is 0.0001.


NANO was launched in 2015 by Colin LeMahieu. NANO is also a cryptocurrency where each account has its own blockchain. NANO platform has completed 4 millions of transaction NANO platform uses a block - lattice structure in which each account information can only be updated by the account owner. NANO currency also includes zero transaction fees like the NYT because NANO platform is very lightweight. It also includes an Instant Transaction speed feature but there is a delay in an ongoing transaction which is to prevent transaction spam.NANO support both desktop and online wallet they both can be downloaded from Nano website. NANO network requires very fewer resources and can process a large number or transaction at one time. The maximum supply of NANO is 133248290 NANO. It is also infinity scalable. It can process over 1000xmore transaction per second which is very big when compared to any other platform.

Both currencies are nearly similar but some of the features are different in both like Nexty has a dual cryptocurrency confirmation system and NANO uses a block - lattice structure as we discussed above. But Nexty is better than NANO because it provides a very large and good number of features like Consensus Algorithm, Smart Staking Program, and NANO also do not provide Instant transaction always, as you have to wait for some ongoing transactions.


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