Next Colony - Free Planets!! Come find out how

Yes, you read that correctly! By reading this post you're going to find out how to get a planet for free, 0% upfront with 4 easy payments of 0 Steem.

And the best part is that my post title is only 20% clickbait. It's win, win, win really. so here's how you can get a free planet.

The planets that are up for sale are all on my tradecolony account. This won't be an ongoing thing, but is a one time deal, I'll see if I want to run it some more later on. Currently they are:

  • P-Z0DZMSLP4I8 (Common Uranium)
  • P-Z2JF60FQXCG (Common Uranium)
  • P-Z324SG18PYO (Common Atmosphere)
  • P-ZI6REDO3SO0 (Uncommon Atmosphere)
  • P-ZZ8NBZIC22O (Common Copper)
  • P-ZSJBQG7ONC0 (Common Atmosphere)
  • P-ZAN4P8EHHLS (Rare Ore)

And a special pair of planets, side by side:

  • P-ZNLTV4S4VHC (Uncommon Uranium)
  • P-ZXS9SP2WL4G (Common Ore)

Ok now that you've seen what the offering is here are how you can get them for free.

  1. Go to the in game shop
  2. Buy some items
  3. Send me the Stardust that you are given for free
  4. I'll send you the planet of your choice.

It's just that simple.

Here are the prices:

  • Common Planet - 9900 Stardust (Buy 1 imperium chest)
  • Uncommon Planet - 11900 Stardust (Buy 1 Dreadnought Imperial Blueprint)
  • Rare Planet - 44900 Stardust (Buy 1 Holy Rune)
  • The pair will be sold together but cost 20% above the common/uncommon price.

Now you're going to look at me funny and say well that's not free, I have to buy things in the shop. Well yes, but let me explain why it's free just in case. You still have your imperium chest/blueprint and/or Rune right? which means you could potentially just buy it from the shop and then sell the item to another player and viola, it's free. Also whatever gets spent in the shop, 30% goes into rewards, so you have the possibility of actually making a profit of 30% and you end up with a crazy cool planet.

Oh and one more thing, because this is such a good deal, I'm only going to have it open to people with less than 10 planets. And yes, I will see you moving planets to an alt. Also I will limit how many planets I send to 1 person, to make sure little guys have a chance to get some free shit.

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