Keith Raniere, NXIVM, people involved with this sex cult, pedogate abuse and

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Keith Raniere who had women branded with what were said to be his initials and some say Allison Mack's initials had a long history of charming people while using methods and practices outside of the law the rest of us abide by!

This is still a work in progress. This includes some of my notes and parts from various sources. I plan on doing a detailed report soon. A connection to his son can be found in a report in video form I am uploading to this blog.

I will be including the tie-in to pedogate and stores of Raniere's abuse of underage girls known to be as young as 12 years old.

"When the secret slave society was revealed in an October 2017 article in The New York Times, the FBI began probing Raniere and Nxivm — and he fled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with the help of Clare Bronfman’s cash, according to court documents.

He attempted to go off the grid, using a bank account in “one of his dead lover’s names” that was stocked with $8 million, as law enforcement closed in."

According to IBTimes, "Richard Donoghue, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, spoke about Raniere’s arrest and said, “As alleged in the complaint, Keith Raniere created a secret society of women whom he had sex with and branded with his initials, coercing them with the threat of releasing their highly personal information and taking their assets.” "The complaint filed by the Department of Justice alleged “in 2015, Raniere created a secret society within Nxivm called ‘DOS,’ which loosely translated to ‘Lord/Master of the Obedient Female Companions,’ or ‘The Vow.’ DOS operated with levels of women ‘slaves’ headed by ‘masters.’ Slaves were expected to recruit slaves of their own (thus becoming masters themselves), who in turn owed service not only to their own masters but also to masters above them in the DOS pyramid. Raniere stood alone at the top of the pyramid. Other than the (sic) Raniere, all members of DOS were women.”

As reported by various sources there was a women's only group with Raniere as the leader called DOS. Frank Parloto who used to be publicist for Nexivm says it stands for dominus obsequious sororium” – Latin for “master over the slave women”. Once they are a member – or “slave” – they are allegedly encouraged to recruit new women into their “slave pods”, stop dating, and be on call 24 hours a day to their “master.”

The story from the New York Times which deals with what was considered a type of initiation ceremony, Sarah Edmondson, one of the participants, said she had been told she would get a small tattoo as part of the initiation. But she was not prepared for what came next.

Each woman was told to undress and lie on a massage table, while three others restrained her legs and shoulders. According to one of them, their “master,” a top Nxivm official named Lauren Salzman, instructed them to say: “Master, please brand me, it would be an honor.”

A female doctor proceeded to use a cauterizing device to sear a two-inch-square symbol below each woman’s hip, a procedure that took 20 to 30 minutes. For hours, muffled screams and the smell of burning tissue filled the room.

“I wept the whole time,” Ms. Edmondson recalled. “I disassociated out of my body.”
According to some of the victims, there was a Dropbox account in which women were required to place collateral in the form of compromising photos or damaging stories which could later be used as blackmail against them.
Sarah Edmondson
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In 2010 Vanity Fair had published an article titled, “The Heiresses and the Cult,” a detailed account of Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman’s immersion in NXIVM; the sisters reportedly gave up approximately $150 million of their trust fund to help fund the alleged cult.”
Clare and Sara Bronfman
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In 2007 in a New York Post report, Charles Hurt noted that, Raniere was run out of Arkansas after Bill Clinton’s then-attorney general, Winston Bryant, charged the cult leader and two others with fraud and business deception."
This can also be seen at the bottom of the page here

Years later Nexivm execs donated over $29,000 to Hillary Clinton's 2006 Presidential Campaign, according the the New York Post which also states, "On March 14 and April 13, records show, more than a dozen contributions poured into Clinton’s coffers from NXIVM, an executive and group-awareness training organization led by Brooklyn-born Keith Raniere, 47.

Most were from first-time political donors, each giving the $2,300 maximum.

Three of the March and April Clinton pledges came from Raniere’s most high-profile followers: Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, and Pamela Cafritz, daughter of D.C. A-listers Buffy and Bill Cafritz.

Hillary isn’t the only Clinton NXIVM officials are attracted to.

At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year."
Nancy Salzman
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An article from former publicist for NEXIVM on Nancy Salzman found here titled, "Nancy Salzman has “issues with pride” – that’s why Raniere suspended her salary!" What a read!

Federal Election Campaign records show, Clare Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company who has called herself the operations director of NXIVM, is a repeat Clinton donor.

The Times Union reported:

The nonprofit Ethical Science Foundation was formed in 2007 by Clare E. Bronfman, who owns a horse farm in Delanson and is listed in public records as the trustee and donor of the foundation.

At the request of the attorney general’s office, a state Supreme Court justice recently signed an order directing Bronfman and Dr. Brandon B. Porter, who is involved with NXIVM and conducted the human studies, to turn over all documentation associated with the research, including any written communications, videos, conclusions, consent forms and the names and addresses of “individuals associated with Ethical Science Foundation who participated in any manner with the studies.”

Clare Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company who has called herself the operations director of NXIVM, is a repeat Clinton donor, according to FEC records.

Last October, a Vancouver woman named Jennifer Kobelt, 28, said NXIVM President Nancy Salzman recruited her for brain studies. Kobelt said she was hooked up to an EEG machine to monitor her brain activity. She claims they showed her horrifying images and videos of murder, rape and mutilation, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has also received money from Bronfman, who reportedly gave $2,400 to the New York Democrat’s 2010 special-election campaign.

“The lawmaker’s dad, Doug Rutnik, worked as an attorney for Nxivm for four months in 2004 at a rate of $25,000 per month,” reported

But when Rutnik tried to quit, a source told, he was sued and reportedly paid back $100,000.


The founder and leader of Nexivm, Keith Raniere told his followers he had the third highest IQ's in the world and that he had 3 degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Number 3 seems to be of some significance to him. As I sifted through this research and the stories of women abused, it dawned on me, this high IQ and these degrees appear to be useless! A reminder knowledge, prestige, financial success are just more ploys and entrapments used in this altered reality we live in. An article in Times Union back in 2012 in which a 4 part series was featured in connection with Keith Raniere, they spoke of his "cluster of adoring women at his side" and how he had "drawn more than 10,000 people to his mission of ethical living." Ethical? Living for whom? As this particular segment stated, other disciples gave testament to a "much darker reality."

Prior to his "self help" group which was clearly a means to prey upon women and young girls (didn't Q say think of prey and pray in some of his drops)? I digress. A simple search shows he was involved in multi-level marketing and was taken to court as evidenced here by a civil action case brought against Rainier by Helen Rhodes and others in Massachusetts.

This was not the first time his Consumer Buyline company was called out for being a multi-level marketing Pyramid scheme. In Arkansas the Attorney General Winston Bryant had his assistant represent in a case against Keith Raniere, James Raniere, Pamela Cafritz and Karen Unttereiner. Once again litigation was due to Raniere running a pyramid scheme. There are various other cases which can be found here at the end of the list of links.

In this instance Cult Education writes about NY Attorney General back in 1993. "New York Attorney General Robert Abrams Monday demanded that a nationwide ''buying club'' -- which he called an ''illegal, multi-million dollar pyramid scheme'' -- be shut down.

Abrams sued Consumer's Buyline Inc., of Clifton Park, N.Y., in state Supreme Court in Albany, asking that the court order the company to halt its operations and pay back money it has collected.

Abrams said CBI had convinced more than 200,000 people around the country to send it $270 each to enroll in Purchase Power, a Texas-based buying club that obtains goods and services at discount prices. But he said only $14 from each customer went to Purchase Power. The rest, he said, went to ''commissions,'' starting at $3 a month, paid to members who had persuaded others to join.

CBI claimed members could earn as much as $30,000 a month in ''found income -- walkway income, money that just keeps spilling into your wallet no matter what you're doing,'' by signing up new members who in turn sign up other new members, Abrams said.

At least half a million dollars had gone to the three Clifton Park residents who operate the business despite CBI's advertised claims that its officers are not paid, Abrams said.

Abrams said CBI President Keith Raniere, who claims in ads to have the ''world's third highest IQ,'' Secretary Pamela Cafritz, and Treasurer Karen Unterreiner had made $500,000 from the operation.

All three live in Clifton Park, about 20 miles north of Albany.

''While the organizers of Consumer's Buyline already have reaped hundreds of thousands of dollars for themselves, we can safely predict that thousands of participants will be left empty-handed,'' Abrams said.

''The emphasis in CBI is clearly not the sale of a product, but on recruiting new organizational rows to boost membership,'' Abrams said. ''Indeed, the only product in CBI is membership.''

Nancy Connell, a spokeswoman for Abrams, said Abrams is not calling Purchase Power an illegitimate business. She said Purchase Power is a ''going concern'' that unlike CBI offers a catalogue of goods and services that may be bought."

According to one of the segments from Time Union, "in 1996, Raniere and two of his Consumers' Buyline colleagues signed a consent order with the New York Attorney General. State officials had accused Raniere of operating an illegal "chain distributor scheme." Without acknowledging any "fraudulent, illegal or deceptive acts," Raniere and two associates, Pamela Cafritz and Karen Unterreiner, agreed to be permanently barred from "promoting, offering or granting participation in a chain distribution scheme." The consent order agreement also included a fine of $40,000 against Raniere and his business, which wasn't paid off for another four years, and then only after the attorney general's office pressed. Consumers' Buyline also agreed to concessions in Arkansas, including an order to pay $145,000, again without admitting any guilt. Officials at that state's attorney general's office could only document $55,000 in payments made, potentially exposing Raniere, Cafritz, Unterreiner and Raniere's father, James, to additional penalties."

By 1997, Raniere had closed Consumers' Buyline and developed Innovative Network, which sold memberships for discounts on top-grade health products and was structured with the same commissions/bonus-based model as Consumers' Buyline, with money traveling upline to leaders, said Toni Natalie, a former girlfriend of Raniere's who was one of the top salespersons for Consumers' Buyline and the formal head of Innovative Network.

"The only difference was the name of the company and the names of the levels," said Natalie, who claims she didn't know about the consent order until years after ending her relationships with Raniere.

"We worked our tails off and never got paid," said Patty Cepeda, who for several months helped build a group of sellers for Innovative Network and tried to get Raniere to explain compensation so that the layman could understand. "He made it difficult to figure out even how to get paid."

Her husband, Herb Cepeda, a New York State trooper from 1987 to 1992, who quit to pursue a more lucrative career in selling through multi-level-marketing companies with his wife, said Raniere's company wasn't reputable and that's a key reason they left after a short time.

"He's a manipulative character," Herb Cepeda said. "He preys on the people who lost hope or have esteem issues." Cepeda has since worked for several other marketing businesses, and said Innovative Network probably was a pyramid scheme and nothing more than a "sign-up game."

"When the income is a function of enrollments, instead of goods and services going out to the consumer, that's the definition of a pyramid scheme," Cepeda said.

Among the people in the sales network of Innovative Network were Unterreiner and Cafritz — the key figures in Consumers' Buyline with Raniere then. In 1998, they worked alongside Raniere and others to create Executive Success Programs Inc., which would later become NXIVM. They remain key players in it today.

Other NXIVM courses, called intensives, where students take concentrated workshops of a week or more, cost up to $10,000 for five days.

Bouchey also testified that NXIVM emphasized recruiting or enrolling new participants with a concentration on people with "spheres of influence."

She told of 20 percent commissions for field trainers — "someone who has demonstrated the ability to be able to sell or enroll and be able to teach or oversee others to do the same thing." She said 10 percent went to a higher-ranking person, a proctor, and that more money, 30 percent, went to the corporation.

In a deposition, Dones said she asked Raniere if NXIVM was a multi-level-marketing scheme and he wouldn't say.

"Whenever he was asked how NXIVM's payment plan differed from typical MLM schemes, Raniere would always evade answering the question," Dones testified. Instead, she said, he often stated that "he believed that MLMs were unethical."

Raniere said in a 2003 sworn statement that the New York consent order does not restrict him from starting an MLM, it only enjoins him from participating in an illegal scheme. "I suspect everyone is permanently enjoined from this," Raniere said in that statement.

Natalie says Raniere was in on key decisions but never wanted his name on the series of companies he helped create when she was his partner in the mid-1990s. That way, she said he explained to her, if regulators closed one company down its sister company could pick up where the other one left off. He also would refuse to open business or government mail because it would prove he had seen it, she recalled.

Raniere stopped acting as a president or corporate officer and frequently became the creator or patron of for-profit and non-profit ventures whose top officers were women involved in NXIVM.

According to Global News, “During the branding ceremonies, slaves were required to be fully naked, and the master would order one slave to film while the other held down the slave being branded,” the complaint says.

Investigators said Raniere preferred exceptionally thin women, so “slaves” had to stick to very low-calorie diets and document every food they ate. As punishment for not following orders, women were forced to attend classes where they were “forced to wear fake cow udders over their breasts while people called them derogatory names,” or threatened with being put in cages, court papers say.

Raniere left the U.S. in late 2017 after The New York Times published the accounts of numerous women who defected from NXIVM. Federal investigators began to interview people with supposed connections to the group after the NYT article, and court papers allege that Raniere did everything to cover his tracks, including using encrypted emails and getting rid of his phone."

"Bronfman gave millions of dollars covering expenses like private air travel costing US$65,000 per flight, court papers say. FBI agents raided the Halfmoon, N.Y., home of NXIVM co-founder and president Nancy Salzman on Tuesday as part of the ongoing investigation.

His website states, “Scientist, mathematician, philosopher, entrepreneur, educator, inventor and author” who “has devoted his life to studying the human psychodynamic and developing new tools for human empowerment, expression and ethics,” Raniere claims that he was a genius from earliest childhood: speaking in full sentences at age one, reading at two, East Coast Judo Champion by age 11 and a concert-level pianist by 12 (the same year Raniere says he “taught himself high school mathematics in nineteen hours”).

Apparently Forbes magazine published as far back as 2003 “Cult of Personality,” a Nxivm exposé.

According to, "Actress Catherine Oxenberg, who starred in the 1980s nighttime soap opera “Dynasty,” told the New York Times that her daughter had been initiated into Nxivm’s “sorority,” and as a result, “Ms. Oxenberg had become increasingly concerned about her 26-year-old daughter, India, who looked emaciated from dieting. She told her mother that she had not had a menstrual period for a year and that her hair was falling out.”

The branding allegations published by the Times in November first appeared online in June, when the anti-Raniere blog “The Frank Report” announced “Human branding part of Raniere-inspired women’s group,” a multi-part series it calls “the first story to appear on the blackmail and branding scheme known as DOS [sic].”

Many, though not all, of the details mention in the Frank Report were mentioned in the New York Times (which also provides some background detail on the blog: the Frank Report is run by Frank R. Parlato, a Buffalo-area businessman whom the Bronfman sisters sued for fraud in 2011. The Justice Department currently has a fraud case pending against Parlato, who denies all such claims.

The Frank Report didn't cover Oxenberg's daughter, but did mention Allison Mack (best known for her role on “Smallville”) leads Raniere’s secret society of branded women. Mack has not publicly commented on Nxivm or Raniere, but she does have a “member” page on the Keith Raniere Conversations website, and “happy propaganda” videos of Raniere and Mack discussing various topics have been taken off the membership-only “Conversations” website and uploaded to YouTube.

In a 2014 post titled “Collecting Heroes,” Allison Mack wrote that “I have started a practice of watching at least 5 minutes of my heroes every morning. It’s a really cool thing. One of my greatest heroes is my teacher and friend Keith Raniere and he once told me to spend time every morning thinking about the way I want to be that day.”

The handful of videos posted on the “Keith Raniere Conversations” YouTube channel all show Raniere and Mack sitting at the same table discussing various topics."
Once such video can be found here

Albany Times-Union reporter James Odato — who’d written many of the Times-Union stories about Raniere and Nexivm, took a leave of abscence, according to Polictico, "the move appears to be related to a lawsuit involving his in-depth coverage of a secretive personal development organization.” states, That “personal development organization,” of course, was Nxivm. Also that November, The Nation ran an article detailing “How a Strange, Secretive, Cult-like Company Is Waging Legal War Against Journalists.” That piece discussed Nxivm’s lawsuit against Odato and Suzanna Andrews, a Vanity Fair contributor who wrote “The Heiresses and the Cult,” which described Seagrams heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman as “victims of a frightening, secretive “cult” called nxivm, which has swallowed as much as $150 million of their fortune.”

The Nation noted in 2014 that the Nxivm lawsuit against the journalists “does not question the accuracy of their reporting.” Cindy Cohn, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said that “The plaintiffs here seem to be complaining that someone who they gave credentials to use their website misused those credentials (and may have lent them to others) who gained access to their confidential materials…. The use of the law here to go after journalists who were trying to shine a light on improper or embarrassing behavior seems especially wrong.”

Apparently Raniere is so evolved intellectually, he can't drive. He claims it could set of radar detectors. Considered a Vangaurd so seeped in this type of brainwashing there was a meeting called Vangaurd week annually at a lake that doubled as a corporate retreat. One might ask how much more ego boosting did this guy need?

Considered an extreme cult, which may be why the NY Attorney General wanted the the Consumers Buyline shut down. He even sued them. He stated similar findings once again in April of 20, 1993 NXIVM, a Colonie-based company promising followers from Canada to Mexico it can "help transform and, ultimately, be an expression of the noble civilization of humans."

According to Cult Education, "The suit, filed in state Supreme Court in Albany County, seeks to halt the operation, which offered new members discount goods and services. It also seeks restitution of dues and fees. how about a fine? NO."

"Raniere founded the business in 1990 and reported employing 160 full-time workers. He possesses a considerable if boyishly earnest charm and has attracted an energetic and generally youthful staff. During a visit, the firm's Clifton Park offices had the cheerfully hectic atmosphere of a political campaign headquarters.

Last month, the company named 65-year-old Paul Townsend, an experienced marketing executive, as chief operating officer. Consumers Buyline reported sales of $30 million in 1992 and projected revenues this of $100 million.

Abrams will seek "millions of dollars" in restitution for members, said spokeswoman Nancy Connell, who added that a specific figure likely would be determined in court.

According to Abrams, a Consumers Buyline membership costs $270 a year. Of that, $14 buys the new member an enrollment in Purchase Power, a Texas-based discount buying club, "so $256 goes toward building a pyramid," Connell said."

Called an extreme cult by some while others say you buy into the mission with, "mind, body and money."

When the Times Union researched business records, court documents and police reports they did find many troubling details. Times Union states back in 2012 "His several decades spent in the Capital Region have included what the Times Union has been told was the sexual manipulation of women and underage girls, murky financial dealings and relentless intimidation of people who have tried to break away or question the practices of NXIVM. But this assessment comes without a response from Raniere, who did not respond to repeated attempts to contact him, including certified and overnight letters sent to him and his last known attorney. He and the women who remain in Raniere's inner circle also did not respond to repeated requests for interviews, and NXIVM's lawyers, including those at the prominent Albany firm of O'Connell and Aronowitz, which represents Raniere's financial backers, declined to speak to reporters.

Some former followers have become frightened by Raniere's growing power, fueled in large part by resources at the disposal of Clare and Sara Bronfman, NXIVM followers and heirs to the Seagram's fortune."

Besides his use of Mack and these Bronfman sister celebrities, there was also a woman named Grace Park. She dual citizenship between Canada and the United States. Her family moved to Canada when she was just a baby and lived in a Korean neighborhood. She got her start on the Canadian teen soap called Edgemont. She has also been in Battlestar Galactica. She has been in various other series and movies including the remake of Hawaii Five-0.

Park was used to endorse Raniere in a number of videos on youtube and his websites. Frankreport had placed a link to a video, but youtube has taken it down. This is happening to other corruptors when certain websites with leftist leanings do not want information out there or exposed. The Frankreport does have some stills from the video which shows body language and looks which can be seen here
Here is an example Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 11.24.52 AM.png

In addition to branding his initials on members from . DOS cult said to be made up of women only, Keith Raniere has allegedly been involved with girls as young as 12 years of age. Sadly he was given access to once such child by way of a trusting mother who was enamored with him and felt he would help her daughter with tutoring.

More to come.

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