New Zealand -The Nation that Changed the World -Part 1

New Zealand the nation situated at the southern most part of the pacific ocean south of that huge landmass called Australia is a nation that has battled above its weight class and it has produced men and women who changed their world and have left us a legacy today.

Seriously folks there she is in red, the nation Jesus himself spoke of as being nations at the outer most parts. As you can see you don't get more outer most part than than New Zealand. As a nation only 170 years old with a population today of around the 5 million mark. There are cities in other countries that have larger populations than that. Over 1 million of the total population live in the biggest city Auckland which is a beautiful city (if you like cities) and a fun place to visit but personally I hate the traffic and where I live is much warmer. That said I would visit it on holiday in a flash because there is so much to do and it really is a fun place. Some images of that city for you :

Let me show you some extra images of the nation itself just so you can see how diverse and how absolutely outstandingly beautiful this nation is:

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