Does New Zealand Have Megalithic Structures Like Other Parts Of The World? The Kaimanawa Wall - Let Your Eyes Decide!

A number of culturally respected thinkers have provided evidence of global culture which existed in prehistory. Indeed the construction of the various pyramids and structures around the world could not be replicated by man today. New Zealand according to archaeologists was the last sizable piece of land populated by people.

However New Zealand is a mysterious and magical place and the Kaimanawa Wall is an example of this. Government sponsored archaeologists have claimed that it is only a natural formation but we have seen this stonewalling by entrenched archaeologists all over the world!

There is a growing global movement of people who believe they are wrong!

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The Kaimanawa Wall

In New Zealand's North Island there is an interesting wall of stones in a forrest near Taupo. The government explanation does not make sense to many people but the government has to stick to the official history of New Zealand. If the Kaimanawa Wall is manmade then it may precipitate a complete rethink of history as this discussion has done globally.

In contrast to the official explanation there seems to be many aspects of the wall which require alternative explanations. I am not a geologist but I will let you make up your own mind by looking at the pictures. Aspects of the stones which are unexplained are:

  1. The evenness and flatness of the blocks
  2. The right angles of the blocks
  3. The interlocking aspects of the blocks

These are all aspects of ancient megalithic structures which can be found in other parts of the world and cannot be replicated using modern techniques.

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Ancient Megalithic Building Techniques

All around the world we find massive megalithic structures. Although unexplained by modern archaeology there is a clear relationship between the way they were made. Massive hard rocks of uneven shape but smooth surfaces are interlocked together to form walls and structures which have withstood earthquakes and the untold aeons. It often seems as if the rocks were poured or melted into place.

If only those walls could talk! 😉

The Kaimanawa Wall seems to exhibit some of these properties. The blocks are large, heavy, of different sizes but smooth and appear to interlock like Tetris cubes. This gives them greater strength than our building techniques. With different sized and shaped blocks there are no easily fractured lines.

If you wish to know more about this shift in contemporary archaeological thinking there are many researchers who have books and videos on youtube but a good place to start is Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval.

Here is a video of the Kaimana Wall, sadly not on DTube. I will let you decide what you think about this for yourself!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3.

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