New York Comic Con

New York Comic Con is my favorite con. I tend to travel alone to the cons since it's hard for the husband and I to travel to these things together, especially now that the store is open to the public and the kids have school.


When I'm by myself, I have more freedom to network and meet new people. Talking to strangers is a huge task for me. I've gotten better at it over the years after having worked in promotional marketing for over a decade where it was my job to engage with strangers, but it is still is a struggle.


I've met a lot of people over the course of this year. Everyone I spoke with at NYCC last year was a stranger, this year was different. This year I knew so many people and it was nice to be able to see familiar friendly faces but I still made the effort to meet and talk to new people, retailers, artists and writers.

When I first saw Tom King sketching on the Batman Elmer Fudd Special #1 I knew I just had to have something done by him. This was the highlight of my NYCC trip.

Jim Mahfood artistic style is so unique. His process is mesmerizing.

Zack Kaplan's stories are so captivating that many of his stories are being optioned.

Maybe next year I'll have a booth at NYCC...

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