How to be Wiser in 2022? Especially in Spending Money.

Many of us, if not some, aim to succeed in our new year resolutions. We feel very committed to doing every single thing on our list and even diligently write them down in our daily journal.

However, people, including me, fail to succeed even before the first month of the year ends. Boredom creeps in making me ignore the list I made for myself because I focused too much on creating my resolutions rather than focusing on how to prepare myself in such a commitment.

Preparing myself to be wiser.

I believe that being wise in making decisions is one important life skill that is very challenging. I keep on reading articles focusing on life lessons but then every time I come across a situation, I feel stuck at the moment thinking about the what-ifs and whatnots.

Eventually, I end up failing.

One popular new year resolution is to SAVE MONEY.

So it is good to start on becoming wise in spending money. If we know how to spend our hard-earned money, may it be big or small, as long as it is the result of our own hard work, we will eventually become the better version of ourselves?

“I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. “— Eleanor Roosevelt

Be Wiser with Money

In this story, I would like to share with you all the money-wise lessons and tips I read randomly on Instagram and basically everywhere on the internet.

INVEST WHEN YOU HAVE EARNED MORE. Be brave and take risks but never brag about it because you are doing it for your own financial growth and not to show off to your friends. When God knows you have good intentions, even if you only got a penny in your pocket, He will make it flourish. Just trust yourself and Him.

LIVE ONLY WITHIN YOUR MEANS. If you cannot afford it, don’t buy it.

GET YOURSELF A HEALTH INSURANCE. Health is wealth and a great investment. Remember that no matter how rich you are, if you get terribly sick, your bank account will gradually be depleted.

SAVE MONEY AND TRAVEL. The experiences, memories, and lessons you will learn from traveling will not be replaced by any material thing. One does not need to be rich in order to travel. Save money so you can travel. And do it while you are still young.

STOP BEING A SOCIAL CLIMBER. Don’t force yourself to things or people. Your insecurities will only get you to nowhere.

ENJOY YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY HERE ON EARTH. While you are still alive! You will never be able to benefit from it again once you are 6 feet below the ground.

SHARE. You will not achieve true happiness if you do not share with others. And make sure these ‘others’ are the people who are worth sharing your hard-earned money with. But of course, you prioritize and love yourself first.

STOP SAYING MAYBE LATER IS BETTER. Work NOW or never! Fight for your dreams until they are all laid in front of you.

SUCCESS IS NOT MEASURED BY MATERIAL THINGS. It is measured by how rich your heart is with kindness and happiness. According to Jim Blasingame of Forbes said: Believe it or not, much of the potential for success in your small business depends upon two things:

  1. Your ability to effectively function physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  2. How well you balance where the business stops and your personal life starts.

BE GRATEFUL. Others are praying to be in your own shoes right now.

BEGIN EVERY DAY ANEW WITH GOD. In this way, every single day can be a new adventure, new experience, new life lesson, and a new beginning with Him.

To conclude, perhaps it is time to revisit our goals and resolutions and don’t just think about accomplishing big things. It will only stress us out. Instead, let’s take one step at a time and commit to relying upon His power to help us become WISER each time we think about spending our money.

I am sincerely praying that God will direct my paths and lead me to where He wants me to be.


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