How is this the first time I’m posting in 2018?!?!

This whole thing got away from me this year...
I really had higher hopes for myself to write more and create more posts to share little pieces of my life with whoever wanted to listen...but I got overwhelmed. Every time I would have an idea and intend to log in either to share or simply to scroll through my news feed to experience a piece of your world would cause me such anxiety that I wouldn’t get online at all.

Before I go any further I feel as though I must mention the warmest of welcomes that I recieved here in my first few days! It was good wishes after pleasant comments and made me so very happy to be here let me say! It’s such a rare thing in this world to feel instantly connected and welcome in a new environment but it’s 100% something you experience here and I want to thank you all for that from the bottom of my heart. You all are helping me grow!

In being “offline” for about a month now, I have actually turned what I thought was a negative in my lack of sharing into a positive by feeling much more human if that makes any sense. I was starting to feel a little on the mindless scrolling zombie side there for a while. We live in a time where we expect to celebrate and receive validation for every aspect of our lives whether it be a perfectly arranged meal, a new outfit or a vacation. We sum up our worth in a highly contrived status or photo. That’s not reality; it’s a portrayal of reality. We tend to get caught up in a world where our priority is to show others what a wonderful life we have instead of actually experiencing the life that we’re showing off. I think if more people were honest about their lives and what’s really going on behind the screen, people wouldn’t face unhealthy pressures to always be okay. I’ve never been the best at sharing my thoughts and feelings, but realized there isn’t any pressure here like I feel on other social media sites to showcase yourself. I was making more out of this than I needed to and was creating an unfair expectation for myself that was unnecessary. Creating the “perfect post” was something I was telling myself I needed to accomplish every time, but what does that even mean?! Life is messy sometimes and none of us are perfect. It is perfectly normal to fail and means you are trying which is all I could ever ask for from anyone and something I always try to do, which is try your best. It is okay to face rejection because it builds resilience. It is okay. That’s what we all must remember. We are okay. We are enough. Sometimes I forget this little fact but I am remembering it now. I’ll be making another post soon but just wanted to reach out and let everyone know why I’ve been missing so far this year!

I can only speak for myself and the experience I had disconnecting from social media in saying that it has helped me connect to my much more grounded self. Something I will be taking much better care of in the future.

Thank you all again for being here and following me while I figure out this crazy thing we call life! It’s going to be a beautiful, wild ride.
(So happy to be sharing it with you all😘)

XO ~ Kylie

PS. I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!

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