New Year Reboot 2020 - After My 2018 Failed Resolution (First Steemit Post)


2020 Reboot.

I admit. I failed. Look at what I wrote two years ago as my 2018 blueprint. But that was then. This is now. 2020. Double 20. New Year. We all can leave whatever no longer serves us.

Clearing my mind: Dumping all to-do lists

So what did I do to make 2020 better? I started by clearing my mind. I listed all I want to do and put it in Airtable. You can see its automation features here. And boy, oh boy, I was totally energized! I did not know I was carrying so much resentment with all my to-do list in my brain. From there, I just decided to use a prioritize and dump the self-imposed deadlines.

New Year Reboot 2020

Well, it will soon be 2020 in a few days and I got a head start by clearing my mind. What about you? What do you need to reboot yourself and make this new year a better one? Maybe start with getting some New Year Glasses Props like the one I got for myself and try sending paper invitations for your 2020 New Year get together.

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