A Million Reaons to Ponder Iced Steem

iced steem tastes like nothing

While most everyone here is clamoring on about the stinc not selling this month I’d like to direct some attention to a million steem in froZen liquid form.

First I’d like to offer some perspective that cheering for a company not funding its very own operating costs by selling at near all time lows is akin to cheering for a company when they fire their CEO for mismanagement of funds. At least it demonstrates there is perhaps something resembling thought happening at stinc. But, I’m missing how this is fantastic news !?!

Let’s dig into the beauty of blockchain whereby a poor village idiot such as myself can stumble upon some, shall we say interesting numbers. Ah transparency, that sharp double edged blade that seems to always slice things up into grey areas.

By happenstance I sifted through a lukestokes post outlining steem transfers and not surprisingly I saw plenty of big names removing their stake. Now of course we don’t know where it is or why and that’s not at all the point here.

The point is I saw an incoming 1 million steem and for a moment thought this might be good news. After a deeper look what I discovered was a stinc BC dev proskynneo that holds 1 million steem in liquid and has a whopping 5 SP and also delegates 100k to his alt account vandeberg.

What people do with their stake is their business and I wouldn’t give it another thought if this weren’t a dev of the BC and employee of stinc. What I realise is that this guy doesn’t really have a good option presently, dump at 16 cents, powerup and and be a model new steemian,(good for us,no lambo) hold the frozen liquid, sell on a spike and wash his hands of steem never to return ? Powerup and be a sneaky bad actor and be hated ?

I’m not seeing a clear out for this fella. What I do see is what seems to be a dev definitely not looking to be involved with steem for the long haul big picture, change the world vision.

Maybe I’ve got it all wrong and I’m digging around where I shouldn’t and I’m not making any real judgements here, I’m only offering a sobering view for everyone praising 800,000 reasons to cheer. Also ask yourself why stinc basically hid this “great news” in a mundane post ?

I for one am not reassured or confident when a company and its employees, (that haven’t been laid off) aren’t behaving like proud confident investors and participants in our ecosystem. If you need something to cheer about and this makes you happy and rush off to buy steem that’s awesome. Tell me I’m wrong and this isn’t a new steem mentality and I can save my trepidation and shut up. Seriously, I welcome that, I’d love to be convinced to invest heavily in this beautiful vision we call steem. Today, just like 11 months ago I’m still on the fence, and this icy steem isn’t warming up my buying power..

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