Bet on People

I have been a bit disconnected from the crypto universe for a while focusing on other things and taking a look at the landscape it has really changed.

A week is a long time in crypto never mind a few months...


Positive Energy

I recently discovered a motivational speaker on YouTube and have been watching some of his videos. One video covered how Warren buffet makes investment decisions.
He bets on people and takes a slice of their future income.

  • What is clever here is that he doesn't exploit people Dragon Den style but rather aligns his interests with theirs, i.e. 10% of profits not 90% equity.
  • The other thing that is key it's that he backs people. People with energy, drive, commitment and resilience.

People in Crypto

Taking a fresh look at the crypto space, in 2019, many projects and groups are not very visible so it's hard to see what types of people are running them but of the big 3 Bitcoin (et Al), Eos, Ethereum the one I am seeing the most exciting news from is Ethereum.

I say this partly because in Dublin there is a big ConcenSys office and they are very active and have some great people working there. There are other reasons for this comment too, I didn't make it to Japan but I have been watching highlights of Devon 5 on YouTube. I would urge you to check out The Akasha Reloaded talk if you havent watched it for some inspiration.

The roadmap is quite exciting. Mihai Alisie in this video does a great job of demonstrating the future possibilities of integrating Social Interactions with a Blockhchain.


The thing is that the Steem community is already doing things like this and have been for some time.

Why are the leaders in the community not getting up on Stage and Showing the world what is possible today on Steem?

Maybe all we need is more visibility???

The following screenshot is from the last 5 posts on the @steemitblog
Screenshot from 2019-10-18 14-01-32.png

There is some great stuff happening here but I don't see much representation from Steem leaders on the world stage, in the mainstream media or working with other blockchains to bring in more people. There are some examples like Appics who recently announced some big influencers, but we need more and more diverse groups. We shouldnt be backing just one horse.

Lets Bet on People, lots of People and different Projects and we may find some Visionaries that will help bring the Steem Blockchain to the next level.

No part of this post is intended to be investment advice but I hope it does spark some ideas.

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