Why RSS Still Beats Facebook and Twitter

for Tracking News

and that's a fact

You’d be forgiven for thinking RSS died off with the passing of Google Reader, but our old friend Really Simple Syndication (or Rich Site Summary) still has a role to play on the web of 2017. It’s faster, more efficient, and you won’t have to worry as much about accidentally leaking your news reading habit to all your Facebook friends. Whether you’ve never heard of it before or you’ve abandoned it for pastures new, here’s why you should be using RSS for your news instead of social media.

What is RSS?

For the completely uninitiated, RSS is just a standardized way of presenting text and images in a feed that can be used by a variety of apps and web services. It is just like how Twitter has a standard way of presenting text and images that all the various Twitter clients understand. Sites follow the rules for publishing their articles via RSS, and RSS readers follow the rules for presenting the information and laying it out.

Which brings to mind a problem I have with Google. You can NOT trust them to finish, or continue what they started. I used Google Reader, Picassa, and was really looking forward to Google Glass.

How'd that work out?

I hear that Google has plans to discontinue more things in the near future.

That's a fact about RSS. I use Feedly myself. I have a hundred or so sites bookmarked Some I read several times a day...some not so much. But I can read them WHEN I want to...and if they annoy me I blot them out.

Can't do that with FaceBook, Twitter, etc...

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