Trump Is Getting His Wall

Border Patrol experts favor this design.
It's called a Bollard Wall
(very confusing to the news media)

What is it with our best-paid friends in the conservative media these days? They seem stuck on doom-and-gloom no matter the facts. Do they not know what is in the spending bill Congress just passed? Or is there just some playbook of pessimism they follow to keep their audiences? Or are they so lazy they just follow along with fake newscasters that since Trump is getting a mere bollard fence, it isn’t a “wall”, even though the Border Patrol experts favor this design, as it allows them to see through the other side for potential climbers? (I still kind of like Herman Cain’s electric fence, though)

Ann Coulter’s last column is typical, where she ridicules Mr. Trump’s OMB director for somehow agreeing not to build the Trump Wall in the just passed Continuing Resolution deal with Congress.

But in reality, there is plenty of money in this year’s CR as even one liberal source grudgingly confirmed for Trump’s border wall -- both to repair 20 miles of existing steel pedestrian barrier (important, as illegals have cut holes in the most desirable locations) and to replace another 20 miles of the worthless “vehicle barrier” with the good bollard designs. Many more miles will be added this fall as well when Congress does next year’s full budget.

What most people don’t know is that virtually all the 700 miles of the land border from San Diego to El Paso already has a fence. The problem is, only about half of that is the substantial kind, and the feds have only been slowly improving it. (Even President Obama upgraded miles of the insubstantial parts, but then lied about the extent of it.) Trump can finish this job in a few years and have a powerful barrier to entry at all the most important crossing regions.

The CR also has more money for the border in several other categories from drones to Coast Guard boats to more immigration judges and ICE interior enforcement.

install this first

then build a BIG WALL

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