versi mnur It's my feeling sir

It's my feeling sir

Sometimes students also need to be heard, because he is always listening.
Sometimes students also need to be understood, because they will also try to understand.
Not everyone agrees, right?

Tick ​​tock tick to ...
The wall clock in the X-IPA-1 room is already 4pm, but Pak Soni, the most killer physics teacher in SMA 4, is joking in front of the class, making nearly fifty percent of X-IPA-1 members sleeping.

Nesya Point of View
My mouth has evaporated since two hours ago, when all the students in the next class were scattered out while not with my class, yes every Saturday is the most unlucky day for us, the X-IPA-1.

"Ssttt ... Nes ... Oi ..." I totally ignore the call, who else if not Ozan is a bummer, he would want to ask for a cheat sheet, where the cave brain again padet again.
Yup, cheat! Although not a test but every hour of Mr. Killer must be like a test, so if a week of two meetings for six hours then it's the pain of us all, befriend and talk with my beloved physics.
"Empty Five," said Mr. Soni, of course I glared, it was my absentee number, I immediately looked at my chest number that was plastered there, out of the cave.
"Get out!" The order,
"Wh-" I just shut my mouth when I realized that what I wanted to talk to was not a human being, if only I could ask, what was my fault?
"Thirteen wrong, empty five innocent," suddenly the loud voice at once made my pace stop, I was just about to step out X-IPA-1 with teary eyes.

Two seven, please give witnesses! "He said, really like in court.
"Thirteen throwing paper containing a cheat sheet on five blanks, without five vacant plans before."
"No, Nesya and I plotted together," said Ozan, the thirteen, of course my eyes were round, obviously I ignored him.
"Please read the contents pack!" Said the two seven earlier.

Mr. Soni stepped closer to the paper on my desk, before Mr. Soni took it, Ozan took it first.
"I and Nesya are willing to be in law," Ozan said, of course I do not believe it, Ozan said that way, I'm being slandered, I might be punished if I'm innocent, I'm not involved in that plan, Ozan himself asking for that answer and I'm not necessarily giving him.

"Why are five blanks punished? The wrong one is thirteen, this is unfairly his name, "defended the two sevens.
"Ozan, where are the papers or are you taking out from physics?" Mr. Soni gasped, Ozan frightened.

Nesya, write down all your answers, -13

"The three of you are out!" Orders Mr. Soni,
"Me?" Said the two seven,
"Do not want to."
"Breaking you yes!"
"I am innocent, so I have no right to be punished."
"You caused a fuss."
"Proving the truth says he caused a commotion. If everybody blames even before talking and is about to ask where his fault is, it's his name to win by himself. "
"It's a complaint and my heart's content. If you want to be understood, please understand the students. We are here to learn, not like a robot that can be arranged at will. We need smiles and friendliness here, not anger. We need education not demands. We have the right to be punished if wrong, not punished according to your will. If you want to be respected, do not make us robots! "
Mr. Soni paused, the two seven stared at him, Mr. Soni as if to digest the words of the two seven, as long as this Ashari, the two sevens, is the quietest person among us, he always got the highest score in physics, if all complained, then he will be the spirit to work but it turns out he is still a student like us, he also has a feeling as a unstable teenager who does not like the teacher killer, because now still high school stages educated not like the lecture stages of what has been educated.


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