Indonesia Obligates a Plot of Land to Male Aceh 91 This Year

Hello, how are you friends steem.jumpa again with me today. I will share a little about some things that are about if Indonesia owes a piece of land to aceh 91 years old man.

Nyak Sandang, 91-year-old man is very excited, when asked how the people of Aceh fought against invaders.

This man, who was born in Lamno, Aceh Jaya district, still remembered the spirit of the Acehnese people to Acehnese people, not just sacrifices who risked their lives, but also the property was at stake.
One of them contributed money, gold, and other natural products to buy a plane for President Sukarno. Nyak Sandang was one of the people who were still alive today. He saved it as a buyer of airplane donation under the name Seulawah 001, or currently Garuda Indonesia Airways.

He recounted that in 1950 at that time the Governor of Aceh, Tgk Daud Bere'euh visited Lamno Mosque to meet with the public to announce President Soekarno to ask the people of Aceh, to donate his property so that Indonesia can have the plane.

At that time, Indonesia had just declared its independence and the plane became a very important transportation to travel abroad to preach to the world that has stood the country of Indonesia.

"At the behest of the Governor at that time, we are willing to set aside property for us to donate.This, for the sake of the state.Anyone donate chicken, goat, money, even land.
when found at his residence in Lhuet Village, Jaya Sub-district, Aceh Jaya District, Tuesday, March 6, 2018.
Nyak Sandang was then 23 years old. He and the incident contributed a patch of land with 40 pieces of coconut in it. The land was sold for 100 silver in 1950.
Without a long thought and sincerity for the gift, he said, the donors are given evidence of a statement. "We were given this letter, after donating and going back within 40 years," said the man who already has seven children.

Without a long thought and sincerity for the gift, he said, the donors are given evidence of a statement. "We were given this letter, after donating and going back within 40 years," said the man who already has seven children.

Not only him, residents in Lamno at that time there is also who gave all his property to donate. However, after 40 years of running, the promise to return was buried in people's memories, especially after Sukarno was deposed.
Nyak Sandang still holds the party who likes to speak Indonesian.
The receipt contains the type of debt, the amount, the name of which is. All the information written in the old spelling but still clearly the residence of Nyak Sandang is the people of Aceh really have donated the purchase of aircraft for the country it has.

He said, with his condition is no longer healthy with diseases such as cataracts and problems with hearing, he never once asked his property to the country.
"I am sincere without any that I sincerely," he said at his residence which only size 6X6 Meter.
Despite having an important role in the purchase of the plane, Nyak Sandang himself had never felt the plane. "Never been (on a plane)," he said with a laugh.

However, he did not want to go on a plane, let alone for a walk. "My ideals just want to ride the hajj," he said.
He said the sacrifice of parents and society against the Indonesian government is absolutely based on willingness to build the country. With his present condition of life that can be spelled out in deprivation, Nyak Sandang still holds the principle of never begging anyone.

At the age of twilight, he uttered the collision that once gave something to this nation.

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