Ex-Muslim: Time to End the Silence on Muslim Rape Gangs


It's the people of the right exposing all of the crimes, the brainwashed people of the left are ignoring it or calling people racists. When are people going to wake to truths and facts and help do what's right?

Ex-Muslim: Time to End the Silence on Muslim Rape Gangs
DEC 10, 2017 10:44 AM BY SHAZIA HOBBS

I am shunned by my Pakistani community and abhorred by liberal and illogical British white people for talking about the cultural differences that are causing horrific damage to people, mainly girls and women, all over the UK.

The Pakistani Muslim rape gangs are one of the subjects that many people would rather avoid discussing. Too many times, in the media, I see leftist journalists and commentators saying that the ‘far-right’ care nothing about these girls and that they are using the rapes for political leverage. I could also say, in retaliation, that the left are ignoring the rape gangs for their own political leverage – the towns they are happening in are all virtually Labour – held towns and villages and that’s their voting block, immigrants and the Muslim community. Labour even allows segregated seating at their events. Women are becoming, once more, second-class citizens. Part of the problem there is that Brits are lazy voters, but they better wake up soon or they’ll find themselves living under sharia as more and more MPs and mayors who identify as Muslim are becoming the heads of their councils and towns.


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