Twitter Didn't Ban User Threatening Right-Wing Woman With Rape, Hanging & Burning... But Did Silence Her

Joe Pauley, who is followed by Hillary Clinton advisor Adam Parkhomenko on Twitter, was not suspended after uttering threats against a right-wing woman. Twitter's double standards in enforcement are evidently a deep, cultural-political issue.


Does Twitter require regulation?

A few months ago, a little bit after this author was suspended from the incoherent platform, an encounter between two opposing accounts culminated into a blatant display of double standards by Twitter's Support staff.

This was originally reported by Anime Right News. Yours truly.

One user, a far-right young woman going by the name Parriah (@PariaPotimouth), had been arguing with a left-wing man named Joe Pauley (@joepauley). Due to her support of Richard Spencer this then led to a threat by Pauley:

Operation Hauteclere - Joe Pauley.png


Now clearly threatening killing, mutilation & sexual violence is against the Twitter Rules. Was this user suspended? No — but she was.

Uh, what?

Given that Twitter has stated it is going to further clamp down with rules regarding abuse, is it worth observing that political differentiation has & still determines whether an individual is actually punished or not for violations.

Proud gay liberal capitalist. No eggs, lists, TERFs or Berners. #Resist...

Pauley, who self-identifies as a gay member of #TheResistance, also called for Richard Spencer to be hung alongside Parriah at the time. Which is undoubtedly yet another violation.

Recently I decided to look into Pauley again, I discovered his account was missing, but a quick check of his User ID indicated he had simply changed his handle to PhilNTheBlanks (@Burneeee).

Pauley is followed by some interesting accounts, including Hillary Clinton advisor Adam Parkhomenko & senior Cracked editor John Cheese who doesn't appear to have curated follows.

Thus, many months later, someone who wanted a woman raped & then lit on fire — is still not suspended.

Exactly who is being abusive in this scenario?

With staff at Twitter being caught following accounts, such as Kelly Ellis, who said U.S. President Donald Trump should be assassinated and/or "die painfully" — one is left to wonder such a question.

UPDATE: Joe Pauley has responded to this article.


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