The West Must Defend Free Speech

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In the last few centuries, western civilisation has been founded on strong principles, including freedom of speech. These principles helped make western civilisation the best place to live in. Sadly, in the present day, we’ve had examples in multiple western nations that have attacked freedom of speech - even in some states in the United States that have freedom of speech enshrined into the constitution.

Beginning with Australia, we’ve had a few examples that involved people being dragged through the courts with this feelings-based law called 18C. This included Andrew Bolt, the QUT students & Bill Leak. Anything can offend or insult people - there are plenty of things that I’m personally offended by, but we shouldn’t be dragging people through the courts every time someone is offended. Without freedom of speech, we’ll find it very difficult to protect our other freedoms.

University campuses around the western world have also been known to opposing freedom of speech. According to a report done by the Institute of Public Affairs in 2017:

“Thirty-four of Australia’s 42 universities (81 percent) received a Red rating for policies and actions that are hostile to free speech on campus, an increase from 33 in 2016 (Matthew Lesh, IPA, 2017, p.2).”

“Seven of Australia’s universities (17 percent) received an Amber rating for policies and actions that threaten free speech on campus (Matthew Lesh, IPA, 2017, p.2).”

“One university, the University of New England, received a Green rating for supporting free speech on campus (Matthew Lesh, IPA, 2017, p.2).”

This is just Australia alone. Universities in other western nations also face the same problems. UC Berkley in the United States endured riots because Milo Yiannopoulos was going to speak to like-minded people at that university but instead was forced out of the area because it got dangerous. A woman who was going to attend was pepper sprayed in the face merely because she was wearing a MAGA hat as well as being there.

This is a problem, as politics is downstream from culture. With the rise of political correctness & social justice warriors, now is the time for anyone who cares about their freedom to push back.

There are social justice warriors, including high profile ones like Riley Dennis who believe that misgendering someone is an act of violence. As absurd as that statement may be, unfortunately, that belief is being enshrined into law around the western world as people are punished for their speech.

New York ended up passing a law that fines people for misgendering people. The fines in “standard violations” are USD$125,000 while those that are deemed “willful and malicious” are up to USD$250,000. People are being forced to use “ze” & “hir” pronouns because of this new legislation. It also prohibits female bartenders to be required to wear makeup; refusing to allow individuals to use single-sex facilities such as bathrooms that are consistent with their gender identity; imposing different uniforms or grooming standards based on sex or gender. There are only two genders & this law is insane - the law shouldn’t be legislated based on feelings; this is granting social justice warriors the legal power to ruin someone’s life because their feelings got hurt - they will abuse this power.

Similar to Australia’s Section 18C, Canada has their 18C in the form of Bill C-16 - which enforces the SJW insanity on ‘gender fluidity’ & ‘infinite genders’ into law. This bill amends to the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity & gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. This is a problem since social justice warriors push the agenda of ‘gender fluidity’ & how there are supposedly more than two genders - rejecting objective biological facts. There are only two genders - I will call you what I perceive you to be, but similar to Section 18C in Australia, I will be dragged through the courts in Canada should the social justice warriors be offended by myself ‘misgendering’ them & using the wrong pronouns.

Don't believe me? Don't take my word for it; this is literally out of the mouths of the highest profile social justice warriors like Riley Dennis & Milo Stewart. As previously stated, Riley Dennis believes that misgendering is an act of violence - this insanity, as explained above is being legislated into law.

Milo Stewart made a video explaining that he started the hashtag ‘#76Genders’ which he added afterwards that he believes there are ‘millions of genders.’

In other words, if you’re inside Canada, you’ve got 1 in 76 chances to be a free citizen with Bill C-16 enforced. You are not helping trans-people by enforcing a law that sends people to jail for offending leftists; you’re just going to make trans-people more isolated & lonely.

There's trans-people that are libertarian or conservative that are fighting this regressive leftist insanity - the most notable & greatest one being Blaire White. I also personally have a libertarian trans-woman in my political circles which I’m more than happy to call a friend. Contrary to what the regressive left pushes, those who are like-minded to me (libertarians & conservatives) do not hate trans-people; what we hate are statists, authoritarians & regressive ideas promoted by the regressive left that sends the human race backwards.

Canada has also sentenced a man to 6 months in jail for simply disagreeing with feminists under their anti-harassment laws - disagreement is not harassment. Another sign of the abuse of legal power done with social justice warriors. The idea of being incarcerated for disagreeing with the regressive left should send a chilling effect to the citizens of Canada. This man was also subjected to harassment because these feminists sent him a barrage of hateful tweets, how ironic.

European nations also have problems with the attacks on freedom of speech. The United Kingdom has recently had a case in Scotland with Count Dankula being dragged through the courts for two years for simply making a nazi pug video as a joke to annoy his girlfriend. While he is not going to jail, he is being ordered to pay a £800 fine by the courts, which he has refused to do. Brittany Pettibone & her boyfriend Martin Sellner were detained for a few days before being deported to Austria because they wanted to speak at speaker’s corner & interview Tommy Robinson. Lauren Southern a few days later showed up to the UK & was detained under the terrorism act for no reason - she was then deported & banned from the UK.

Germany is cracking down on freedom of speech by threatening to fine social media companies €50M for hate speech & fake news. They’re doing this by telling the social media companies that they have to delete ‘offending material’ within a week & run 24-hour helplines for ‘concerned users.’ Illegal material, such as ‘racist language’ will have to be removed within seven days. The social justice warriors believe that everything is racist, even with being born with a certain skin colour is ‘racist’ in the eyes of the social justice warriors as it reflects on their version of the original sin - this is a problem. We should not be turning to collectivism & identity politics; instead, we should be judging people based on the content of their character & their merits.

Germany has also been raiding homes over “hateful Facebook posts” - they’re literally kicking doors down over speech they don’t like. That is a future that is coming to Western civilisation that I’m not looking forward to - the best way we can fight back against this is to defend our rights now as well as use alternative platforms that don’t violate our privacy. As explained in one of the cited articles, one of the homes that were​ raided was because someone disagreed with someone’s sexual orientation.

The European Union has also demanded that Facebook, Twitter & YouTube censor ‘hate speech’ & ‘fake news’ within 24 hours. In recorded cases, Twitter was the slowest to respond while YouTube was the fastest. Unfortunately, part of this problem is because the tech giants signed the EU’s code of conduct.

Sweden’s Minister for Culture & Democracy, Alice Bah Kuhnke, has told Facebook to censor so-called “fake news” or else face “compulsory measures” by the government. They have also banned websites that list the ​ethnic origin of criminal suspects & are pushing to end anonymity for ‘online trolls’ accused of posting ‘hate speech.’ A 74-year-old Swedish woman was prosecuted for criticising mass immigration & is being forced to pay a fine of 12,250 SEK (around USD$1500). Regardless of your view on immigration in Sweden or if criminals should be profiled, the Swedish people deserve a right to speak on these topics & shouldn’t be censored by the state.

In Spain, a 21-year-old​ student from the city of Murcia has been sentenced to a year in prison & has been disqualified from public functions for seven years, after making jokes on Twitter. Let that sink in - just like Count Dankula making a joke nazi pug video, the state in Spain has decided to crack down on a student for jokes. Western civilisation has dwindled to the point where the state is cracking down on jokes. The world is going to become a very boring place with the SJW thought police trying to crack down on jokes.

Spain has also cracked down on freedom of speech during the Catalonian Referendum through internet censorship. They censored more than 140 domains that were in support of the referendum. Regardless of what side you’re on with this issue, political campaigns should be allowed to discuss their point of view during referendums.

What is concerning culturally is that political correctness & SJW insanity is also making its way into the private sector - after all, politics is downstream from culture. We should all be very worried when businesses, especially oligopolies like tech companies, go down a path that doesn’t respect freedom. As explained above, social media companies are colluding with governments to restrict freedom of speech. Lauren Southern put together a video detailing the imminent digital exile that us normal people who don't obey the SJW insanity & authoritarianism will have to face. This is partly why alternative sites (blockchain or not) like SteemIt, Minds, Gab, DTube, BitChute, ONG Social etc are rising up - people are sick of being censored.

I should also note that I have no problem with private companies doing as they wish - they’re free to treat their customers poorly, which they can face the economic consequences as a result. What I do have a problem with is when the state & the private sector are interconnected. I will go into more detail in a future article, but to keep it brief, the social media companies are being subsidised by the state (corporate welfare) & are working with the government when it comes to policing speech & sharing our private data. That is what I have a problem with - it’s not a ‘private business’ if it’s connected to the government in any form. Free markets involve the full separation of economy & state; it isn’t corporatism (socialism for businesses) - no subsidies, no bailouts, no regulatory capture. Laissez-faire is the approach we must take with the economy.

I call on all libertarians, conservatives & anyone else who cares about freedom to push back against this insanity to destroy our freedom; we must fight this culturally just as hard as we’re fighting this politically. The social justice warriors & others in the regressive left are enforcing this culturally as a gateway to destroy our liberty through government; any right that the government has taken from you is extremely difficult to get back - the only reason why the United States has its constitutional rights is because they fought to the death against an authoritarian government in the American revolution. We should not take this for granted nor should we let our guard down - we must always remain vigilant about the threats to our freedoms by tyrants like the social justice warriors to ensure that our freedom is protected by present-day & future generations.

To conclude, western civilisation is in a lot of trouble on the freedom of speech topic - even in the United States where the first amendment exists, some states, as well as their culture & academia, are in a lot of trouble. We, as libertarians & conservatives, have a lot of​ work to do to clean up this regressive mess that the regressive left & other forms of statists/authoritarians created. This must be done on a global scale as it has affected all nations, including my nation Australia. To finish off, I’ll end this with a quote:

“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death for your right to say it.” - Voltaire

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