Fake News via The Guardian

Fake news wouldn't be what it is today without Russia and Western corporate media, and this is especially true when it comes article titles, and internet ' #news ' #headlines. This #article going forward is going to take a look at some of today's fake news courtesy of The Guardian. The title of the article in question at the time of writing is, "Ex-Soviet counter-intelligence officer says he attended Trump Jr meeting ".

You already know it's going to be juicy bullshit because you have the word 'Soviet' in the same sentence as 'Trump'. Let's also keep in mind that the Soviet Union hasn't existed for over 26 years and doesn't look to be coming back anytime soon. So what's the issue here, and why should you care? Let's take a look at a few key sentences in this article and point out some of the reasons why this is bullshit.

From the article,

Notice how the title implies that a foreign agent is not only a witness to the meeting, but was also a participant in the very same meeting. Yet the author of the article decides to write about half the article before mentioning the quote about the meeting not being "substantive" and the alleged former officer "expected more serious" matters of discussion. Initially you might not think much too much of this, but here's how this is fake news. On one hand we're supposed to believe that this person is so credible that The Guardian literally wrote an entire article based on this claim that he himself stated that he attended the meeting in question. On the other hand, we the reader are also expected to just ignore the fact that the same individual, with the same amount of credibility (so much so that his very own words alone were enough to influence the title of the article in question), shouldn't then also be believed when he stated that the meeting was about nothing of importance. Do you see why that's an issue?

From the article,

God forbid that people communicate... Seriously though, one easy way to spot fake news is to measure the amount of information padding within a given length of content. Unless that translator did some illegal shit, I'm not sure why that information matters, and it can only be padding since there's no other information regarding this alleged individual anywhere in the article.

1 of 1 match searching for 'translator'

This article is absolutely filled to the brim with bullshit. I just wanted to point out some of the more subtler bullshit jerky strips so that you can see how people are tricked into believing what is clearly false. I'll do the honors of sending you the link to this #FakeNews so that you can sort through this garbage yourself.


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