DNC Lawyers Argue That Rigging The Primaries is Protected Free Speech Under the First Amendment...

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment


Yet Google owned Youtube has been censoring dissenting opinions at an alarming rate. Along with Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Google is practically an extension of the government after the Obama admin. How can they claim they aren't violating the First Amendment by blatant censorship when Google visited the Obama White House AT LEAST 427 times officially and there was a revolving employment door between Google and obama govt? When Google and the government become virtually the same entity, they can't claim the right to censor those they deem to be dissidents.

This purge is ridiculous, and illegal. The same people who have been hell bent on forcing their view points and way of life on others are so intolerant of logical questions and debate. But we know it goes much deeper than that.

The upside is that their masks are coming off for the world to see.




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