Dark Aegir - South Africa Is The Next Failed State


The South African Government is heading to a massive economic and food disaster, all in a rush to get rid of white South Africans. This process has moved forward over the past few years as the South African Government continues to fail at improving the economic well being of all races in their country.

Now that South Africa has decided to take Boer/White land with little to no compensation will only continue the ongoing economic disaster and high unemployment rates. The South African Government to date has tried to seize two game farms. I want you to read those words again. A government with 35% unemployment wants to seize game farms worth in excess of 200 Million rand, and offering 20 Million rand. Yes, the village idiots running the South African Government believe that two game farms are the bane of black South Africans. When Corporations and Investors look at that, what you do think they see, how do the optics of this look for capital investment in South Africa?

To make matters worse, South African Blacks have failed for years at using White-owned farms to produce crops. This will push South Africa to a failed state when the food is not grown and that will take 1 to 2 years. Then on top of an economic depression, you will have food shortages.

As it stands today, you have a severe crime problem, even thou the South African Government has found a way to manipulate the data to state that they have a reduction in crime. What I want to point out is that the South African people, police, and press all believe it is not true. In the report by the South African Government regarding crime against women reads:

The report relied heavily on the VOCS data but the data does not provide detailed information on crimes that mostly affect women. For example, the data provides information about individual experience of sexual offence but it does not provide information about the type of sexual offence experienced (i.e. rape, sexual assault, incest or sexual touching). This limitation has been addressed in the new survey called Governance, Public Safety and Justice. The other challenge is the effective sample size for certain types of crime such as murder and sexual offence. While the VOCS sample size of about 30 000 households is reasonably large, the number of hits for individuals or households that experienced these crimes is often very small – to the extent that the sampling error for population estimates is typically very high. This is particularly the case when a high level of disaggregation is desired. The small effective sample size may also be due to unwillingness on the part of respondents to answer questions which may be viewed as very private, such as sexual offence. Increased use of administrative data such as South African Police Service (SAPS) data to complement the survey data is likely to be the way of addressing this challenge.
As the world stood against Apartheid, they should now stand against this corrupt and racist South African Government. The Main Stream Media has been working full-time spreading EPIC #FAKENEWS on this issue. They use the invalid South African Government data for crime statistics even thou, the Main Stream Media knows that on the ground, in reality, crime has risen.

What I want to get through to you today, the average viewer, politician, Main Stream Media Douche Bags, and anyone else. South Africans are going to end up DEAD. They will become exactly like Zimbabwe when Robert Mugabe committed gross acts of stupidity. You will see economic collapse, you will see famine, and people are going to die and it is going to be because people decided to follow Identity Politics to the extreme.

Stand Against This South African Regime Now. Save South Africa From the South African Government.

Sources Cited:







Black Farmers In South Africa Still Struggling With Land Reform








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