Aksi Siswa SMA rakayan Kelulusan


This is the action of students who destroy the school uniform with colored paint makes us concerned to see it. Apart from violating the ideals of education, they also do not understand how to give thanks and appreciate the giving of parents.

Inilah aksi siswa-siswi yang merusak seragam sekolah dengan cat berwarna membuat kita prihatin melihatnya.Selain dari menyalahi cita-cita pendidikan, mareka juga belum memahami cara bersyukur dan menghargai pemberian orang tua.


Though a father delayed his needs for the educational needs of his son. Not infrequently parents riding motorcycle battered to buy a comfortable bike for her baby.

Padahal seorang ayah menunda kebutuhannya demi keperluan pendidikan anaknya.Tidak jarang orang tua mengenderai motor butut demi membeli motor yang nyaman untuk buah hatinya.


We hope such incidents do not happen again to the students next year.

Kita harap kejadian seperti ini tidak terulang pada siswa-siswi tahun depan.

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