Diseases Caused By Bacteria And Viruses




Tuberculosis Lung or tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Mycrobacterium tuberculosi and Mycrobacterium bovis. The bacterium has a size of 0.54 micron x 0.30.6 microns with a thin, straight or somewhat crooked, granular or non-sameless shape, but has a thick outer layer composed of lipoids. The disease is transmitted through the air (droplet nuclei) when a TB patient coughs and splashes containing the bacteria are inhaled by others while breathing.


Diphtheria is a rare disease, usually affecting adolescents and adults. The cause of this disease is the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheria. The disease has two forms: the first Respiratory Type caused by a bacterial strain that produces toxin (toxigenetics) which usually causes severe symptoms to death, whereas the second form of Cutaneous Type caused by both toxigenetic and nontoxigenetic strains is generally mild with inflammation that is not typical. Transmission of this disease occurs through droplets when the sufferer (career) coughs, sneezes, and speaks. However, the dust or vomit of the patient can also be a medium of transmission.


Pertussis is an acute respiratory infectious disease that primarily attacks children. The disease is caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis (Haemophilus pertussis). Bordetella pertussis belongs to the Gramnegative, immobile and immobile group. These bacteria require the media to grow like a blood glycerine medium (BordetGengou) which adds penicillin to inhibit the growth of other organisms. This bacterium is 0.51┬Ám long and its diameter is 0.20,3┬Ám. Transmission of this disease through droplets and most infants infected by his brother and sometimes by his parents.


Tetanus is a muscle stiffness (spasm) disease caused by exotoxins (tetanospasmin) from tetanus-causing organisms rather than by their own organisms. The disease is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tatani which is a Grampositif rod-shaped bacteria with spores on the edges so similar to the drum beater. Tetanus bacteria is anaerobic obligate in the form of vegetative in environment without oxygen and susceptible to heat and disinfectant. The transmission is by Tetanus entering the human body usually through deep wounds with anaerobic atmosphere (without oxygen) as a result of accidents, stab wounds, surgical wounds, dental caries, umbilical cord, etc.


Typhoid fever is an acute infection of the digestive tract caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. Salmonella is Gramnegative bacteria, not encapsulated, has flagella and does not form spores, Disease Transmission is through water and food. Salmonella bacteria can last a long time in food. Use of mass drinking water contaminated with bacteria often leads to outbreaks. Vectors of insects also play a role in disease transmission.


Leprosy is one of the most contagious diseases that is still a very complex problem. The problem is not in terms of medical but also economic, social, cultural, and security and national security issues. Leprosy disease if not handled carefully can cause defects. The cause of leprosy is the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae rod-shaped with a length of 18 microns, width of 0.20,5 microns, usually in groups and some are scattered satusatu, living in cells, and acid-resistant (AFB). Leprosy bacteria are found in the skin of the hands, earlobes and nasal mucosa.


Pes has another name plague, pestilence, La peste and the disease is already written in the gospels. The cause of plague is Yersinia pestis (Pasteurella pestis). Yersinia pestis is a Gramnegative bacillus, does not move, and does not form spores. The animal reservoir is rodentia (rodent), among others rats, rabbits, while the vector of the transmitter is flea (tick), etc. Transmission of the disease is transmitted in this way, wild rats bite humans, human-to-human transmission occurs through droplets of pulmonary plague.


Anthrax is also called malignant pustule, malignant edema, Charbon, Regpicker disease, or Woolsorter disease. The anthrax disease is a disease caused by Bacillus anthracis in livestock and wild animals that can be transmitted to humans. Bacillus anthracis is a Grampositive, immobilized, encapsulated and spore-forming bacteria. Spore formation occurs in aerobic state and less calcium, ie in the open air such as in soil or outside air. This bacterium has a size of 12 ┬Ám X 510 ┬Ám, rod-shaped, rod ends firmly bound, arranged berderetderet forming a formation such as bamboo segment. Transmission of anthrax in humans is usually through the means, direct contact with human skin lesions, etc.


Leptospirosis is an acute infection caused by leptospira bacteria. This disease is also called Weil disease, Canicola fever, Hemorrhagic jaundice, Mud fever, or Swineherd disease. The genus Lestospira belonging to the Spirochaete order of the Trepanometaceae family is a yarn-shaped bacterium with a length of 612 ┬Ám. species of leptospira interrogans are species that can infect humans and animals. Human infections can occur through contact with water, soil, and bacterial contaminated sludge, contact with infected organ, blood, and urine of animals, etc.




AIDS is a disease caused by the HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and is also called lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV). AIDS is known as a variety of symptoms and infections that arise due to the destruction of the immune system. Or in other words, if someone infected with HIV virus, then the person does not have the immune system, so if the patient is exposed to flu or other diseases it will be very difficult to recover. AIDS is a deadly disease and there is no cure or vaccine. AIDS comes from SubSahara Africa. Symptoms of AIDS sufferers are: fever, night sweats, gland swelling, weakness, weight loss continues to decline. AIDS can be transmitted through sexual contact, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, blood transfusions, deep skin layers (mucous membranes), syringes. The chances of living chance of AIDS sufferer is 0% or equal to impossible.


Polio is a disease caused by the genus enterovirus, there are 3 types of types 1, 2, and 3. The three types of viruses can cause paralysis. Type 1 is the most easily isolated type, followed by type 3, while type 2 is most rarely isolated. The type that most often causes the container is type 1, while the type of case associated with the vaccine is caused by type 2 and type 3. Polio causes paralysis of the body part, especially on the foot. This virus enters through the mouth and then infects the intestinal tract, entering through the bloodstream and attacking the central nerves to cause permanent paralysis within hours. Toddlers aged 3 to 5 years vulnerable to polio, because the immune system is not as strong as adults. Polio is transmitted through human contact, contaminated feces of the virus.


Hepatitis is a disease caused by hepatitis A, B, non A and non B viruses. In Hepatitis B the virus has an outer layer (membrane) that acts as HBsAg antigen. This virus has a core part with core particles HBcAg and HBeAg. Hepatitis is known as jaundice or liver because it attacks the liver. The cause of hepatitis is infected with the virus, the presence of metabolic disorders of the body, consume alcohol, autoimmune, complications due to other diseases, too much and often consume drugs.


Varisella is an acute viral infection characterized by the presence of highly contagious skin vesicles. This disease is called chicken pox, chickenpox, or varicella zoster. varicella is caused by herpesvirus varicellae or human (alpha) herpes virus3 (HHV3), Varicellazostervirus (VZV) is a member of the herpes virus group. Smallpox suffered only humans once during life. It is recommended to keep immune to avoid this virus. Symptoms are fever, runny nose, weakness, fatigue, lethargy and then appear a reddish rash on the body filled with fluid. This chickenpox will heal by itself, do not try to break the chicken pox, because it will leave a scar. Patients should be quarantined not to transmit the virus to others, and try to keep bathing to avoid germs and bacteria that breed on the skin.


Avian influenza or bird flu or poultry poultry is a disease caused by Al virus from the Orthomyxoviridae Family. transmitted by birds and attack humans. Countries in Asia are confirmed to be the most vulnerable to the H5N1 virus. The H5N1 virus is a virulent and deadly virus, eight out of ten bird flu sufferers can not be saved. The government established emergency response measures against the H5N1 virus to prevent the outbreak of the virus. Symptoms of bird flu is high fever, respiratory complaints and can also stomach ache. Patients with bird flu usually have direct contact with poultry infected with H5N1 virus.


SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) or severe acute respiratory syndrome is a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus. The disease first appeared in China's Guangdong province and then spread into an outbreak to several countries through airports where there are many people from different countries. SARS can be identified with some symptoms such as high fever above 38 degrees Celsius, cough, sore throat, gastrointestinal symptoms, body achiness or myalgia and other symptoms. SARS can be treated and curable.


The disease is caused by a rabies virus that belongs to the family of Rhabdovirus. The shape of the virus resembles a bullet, measuring 180nm with a diameter of 75nm and on its surface looks pearaku shape shape with a length of 9nm. The virus is composed of proteins, fats, RNA, and carbohydrates. Rabies is a disease that attacks the central nervous system that is transmitted through animal bites that have been exposed to rabies, among others: dogs, cats, and monkeys. The virus then attacks the nervous system that causes the patient to experience nerve disorders. The rabies vaccine was discovered by Louis.


Dengue disease is caused by dengue virus from Arbovirus B group, that is arthropodborne virus or virus spread by arthropod. This virus belongs to the genus Flavivirus of the Flaviviridae family. The main vectors of dengue disease are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictuns. Factors affecting the spread of dengue cases are population growth, uncontrolled urbanization and transportation.


Chikungunya is a disease similar to dengue caused by chikungunya virus and is transmitted by aedes aegypti and aedes africanus mosquitoes. Chikungunya virus is a virus that belongs to the genus of the alpha virus of the Togaviridae family. This virus is formed spherical with a diameter of about 42nm. This virus along with the OÔÇÖnyongnyong virus of the alpha virus genus and the West Nile Fever virus of the genus flavi cause dengue-like symptoms. transmission is in endemic areas that are found in many cases of dengue.


Measles is a highly contagious acute disease caused by a virus. Measles is also called rubeola, morbilli, or measles. The disease is characterized by early symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose, and conjunctivitis which is then followed by reddish spots on the skin. This disease is caused by the measles virus, from the family Paramyxovirus genus Morbillivirus. This virus is an RNA virus known to have only 1 antigen. Measles is transmitted through droplets in the air by patients from 1 day before clinical symptoms develop up to 4 days after the onset of rash.

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