Riddle of 30 thousand bitcoins

Riddle of 30 thousand bitcoins: the early successor of the crypto currency secretly sold all of its coins.

Over the past two years, one of the early bitcoin miners, whose name remains unknown, has sold 30,000 BTC that belonged to him.


Sale of coins that were mined in one of the youngest blocks of bitcoin was carried out between December 2016 and early January 2018, when it sent them to various exchanges in batches.

According to today's average market price of bitcoin, 30,000 BTC is more than $ 197 million.

According to the analyst, the miner started its activity no later than December 2009, when the bitcoin price was measured by several cents. He borrowed coins for about seven months, and this time came at a time when the reward for the found block was still high, and the mining itself could be conducted at home.

Most likely this person is Satoshi Nakamoto - this was one of the first bitcoin enthusiasts, who now became fabulously wealthy.

Recall earlier this month, a study showed that more than 55% of all bitcoins are on purses with a balance of over 200 BTC. At the same time, 1/3 bitcoins from these wallets never participated in outgoing transactions. According to the researchers, this may indicate the loss of personal keys or a strong belief in the future of the crypto currency on the part of the owners.

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