// Small NEWS // The Connected Objects Virus Mirai Is Coming Back!

After putting OVH on its knees in 2016, the Mirai virus targeting connected objects has been detected in new variants. They target corporate networks and can be hidden in connected TVs!

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The info

The Mirai threat is still present! In 2016, the virus that infects connected objects (routers, webcams, etc..) and that has undermined the entire US Internet network and even knelt the famous French host OVH through a massive denial of service (DDoS) attack.

The virus is not dead and it is no less than 27 variants that the security company Palo Alto Networks has detected. Variants that this time target not only consumer connected objects, but more professional products such as LG TVs in the "Supersign" range, devices intended for professionals (hotels, bars, etc.).

What does this entail

Why targeting such products? For the bandwidth. An expert from Palo Alto Networks explains that "Targeting enterprise links also grants it access to larger bandwidth, ultimately resulting in greater firepower for the botnet for DDoS attacks."

Among the 27 Mirai variants, you can find Netgear, Dlink or Zyxel routers, as well as professional presentation tools such as the WePresent WiPG-1000 Wireless Presentation systems.

The context

Most connected objects work with "home" versions of Linux and unfortunately most of these systems are not at all or badly secured. In addition, the security monitoring of many of them is low or zero, which allows hackers to quickly find breaches to exploit.

Mirai and its variants have not done to surprise us as long as the industry will not have new processes for developing and monitoring connected products. Just as this article will show it to you, there is no Digital Switch-Over without a real Cyber-Security strategy!

Source: Ars technica

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