Putin Declares “Victory” in Syria, Begins Withdrawing Russian Troops

“The horse is readied for the day of battle, But victory comes from Hashem.” Proverbs 21:31

Yes, that's right, Putin declared victory in Syria. He told the defense Ministry to start pulling the Russian military out of Syria... Here is what Putin said on this matter.

“In view of this, I have made a decision: most of the Russian military contingent currently in the Syrian Arab Republic is returning home, to Russia,” he said, adding, “You are coming home with a victory, to your relatives, parents, wives, children and friends. Your Motherland is waiting for you, my friends. Have a safe trip home and thank you for your service.”

President Bashar al-Assad said "future generations that will read about this war will not differentiate between a Syrian or a Russian martyr, noting that “the sacrifices of the heroes from both sides will ever remain the embodiment of the noblest battle in the face of terrorism, in which blood is mixed with blood to purify our land from the mercenaries who wanted to destroy our homeland.”

But is this the end of terrorists? Most likely not considering WW3 is creeping around the corner. The commander of Russian Military said there was 32,000 Terrorists had been killed in Syria in the 7 months they were over there.

“More than 67,000 square kilometers of Syrian territory, more than 1,000 localities, 78 oil and gas fields and two deposits of phosphate ores have been recaptured,” Surovikin continued, noting that over the past 227 days alone, “Military planes have flown 6,956 sorties and helicopters, more than 7,000 sorties. More than 32,000 militants, 394 tanks and more than 12,000 pieces of other military equipment were eliminated.”

Here is the video on this!


Alot of fish a day keeps your belly full! -Neko

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