

It is difficult for me to believe this is actually happening in America, particularly considering the endless virtue signalling undertaken by so many across social media venues seething about pedation (pedo - child, -ation, from predation. Sorry, just made that word up).

However, upon reflection, it seems inevitable. I am confident that should things not change homosexual pedation will be legally empowered in the USA. Given the source of the push for this, the conflation of feminism and homosexual LGTBBQ agendae, I do not expect female child pedation to follow suit.

This is yet another axe cut at the ankles of humanity in America, specifically targeting males (necessary half of a functional species. Harming men harms all people) which concatenates and extends the endocrine disrupting pollution that has decreased testosterone levels in American men by over 50% in my lifetime, the Dworkinesque social castration of 'toxic masculinity', and the legal disenfranchisement and removal of men from families via divorce, #metoo sex abuse laws, and the welfare state.

I believe we are very near a tipping point, and this is strong evidence that violent social upheaval is nascent and impending.

I look forward to the flags, hateful comments, and general lack of civility I will be rewarded by for this post. Have at me!

Damned be him that first says 'Hold, enough!'

IMG source - The cesspool of the internet, /pol/

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