Sovereignty, Covid-19, and the State

Today the people of the world are confronted with existential threats. The institutions of government of the world continue to lie, steal, and murder all of us not wealthy and corrupt enough to take advantage of graft to corrupt state agents and agencies and aggrandize ourselves. In the 20th Century hundreds of millions of civilians were murdered by their government - excluding war casualties. Tens of millions were starved to death across the East and West by their governments with malice aforethought.

Today our state governments are ordering us to cease productive work, which produces all our food supplies, and some of them are actively preventing seeds and food production equipment from being sold to civilians. Farmworkers that traditionally migrate during seasons are being prevented entry to provide essential services. If you need more warnings that food supplies are going to become disrupted, you just can't grasp your personal danger.

Covid-19 has a high likelihood IMHO to be lab engineered, and this means that it is the institution of government that has unleashed this pandemic plague on us that has to date infected over a million people, and caused tens of thousands of deaths.

Today on Dr. John Campbell's video we are told that one jurisdiction will not provide antigen tests for a month. This is called 'incompetence' by Campbell, but it is clearly not. There are antigen tests now available. The jurisdiction in question can order those tests to be manufactured and supplied immediately, and could have for at least two months.

The only reason those tests are not available now is that the government did not act to make them available. That isn't incompetence. That's deliberate inaction, intended to cause more infection, more death, and more justification for totalitarian oppression by government.

This isn't a pandemic we are being poorly protected by government from, it's a genocidal attack on the world's population by institutions intended to increase their power and wealth by orders of magnitude by taking them from people.

So far people have not undertaken to defend themselves from our murderous governments, and neither to effect means of effecting government that prevents it's corruption by murderous psychopaths intent on exactly the present crimes ongoing (it is interesting to note the financial nature of the attacks, through QE, economic shutdown, and monetary mechanisms presently being prosecuted IRL, and Sun Yuchen's seizure of Steem).

What can we do?

First, we can recognize the fact that government is existentially dangerous, quit contributing our wealth and power to those vectors for genocide, and consider options to secure our persons, property, and commerce. This requires, for many, the impossible, because massive censorship, propaganda, and lifelong indoctrination by states via enemedia domination of our communications prevents it.

So, don't expect a majority of people to act nominally to protect themselves, others, or society.

Second, we ourselves must implement those options that create our own security from the multiple vectors of existential harm presently effected. Pandemic, surveillance, armed oppression, financial sanctions, and lawfare are major avenues of impact, and each of these requires specific defensive mechanisms, although certain defenses contribute security from all of them.

Control of the physical environment in which we operate is a primary need. Biological agents, chemical agents, and physical violence are amongst the weapons we face, and increasingly EMF wavelenghts are used for surveillance and assault. Our immediate interactions with our environment are mediated by our garb to a large degree. Body armor, active denial and jamming for surveillance, and interdicting CBRN are demonstrable needs that clothing can meet.

Masks that filter incoming air and liquids are presently in short supply, and not designed well for security purposes. Given our need to prevent surveillance, minimal attention to design can preclude vulnerability to facial recognition. A full body Faraday Cage is necessary to mitigate offensive EMF weapons, and there is no reason to ignore the potential of 5G being rolled out to be a weapon, particularly in view of the integrated suite of offensive vectors being deployed.

PPE isn't much use if it can't be sterilized when taking it off and putting it on, so sterilization needs to be part of every homes egress and entry points. UV lights and bleach in an airlock is likely a necessary part of everyone's home today.

Integrating communications devices into our masks and helmets will greatly improve utility. We also need to ensure that our communications hardware and software is secure, so that means open source hardware and software not designed to surveil us. Google and Apple products are therefore out of the question.

It is obvious that fiat is being used as a weapon today. Fractional reserve banking no longer has a place in our economy. $trillions of dollars of debt are being created daily and laid onto taxpayers, while the cash is being dumped into the accounts of the wealthiest investors, clearly a massive attempt at theft by fraud. Banks, like media companies, are obviously enemies acting to parasitize and harm us.

Police and military forces clearly are about to strongly interdict our movements, forcefully arresting and violently suppressing populations en masse. In view of the array of weapons in the possession of professional forces a substantial suite of security features need to be part of our daily wear when assault by such forces becomes part of our daily routine, as it long has been in various dystopian hellholes like Xinjiang for Uighurs, and Gaza for Palestinians.

Something like riot gear presently worn by police when oppressing crowds, with the addition of air and liquid filtration, EMF resistance, and visual obfuscation will be necessary for people that do not intend to be murdered by government in the near future. Frankly, we need it now.

With the advent of affordable solutions that substantially improve security, adoption by the increasing number of folks becoming aware of their exigent need for security will concomitantly rise, and we will begin becoming able to act together, rather than alone.

Governments of the world are adopting the most oppressive practices of the most totalitarian, China, in a coordinated attack on free people of the world. If we don't act to secure ourselves from this attack, that will be our own fault.

I see an immediate need for visored motorcycle style helmets with a means to attach cell phones, air and liquid filters. A coverall that resists gaseous, liquid, physical threats, and EMF radiation deployed as weapons, with boots and gloves, that enables us to carry materiel and sensors as needed, will be necessary as well.

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I reckon some good designs may be promulgated via thingiverse, and components that can be integrated into off the shelf helmets and overalls can be quickly implemented, until bespoke products become available. Look for them. If you can't find them, make the best designs you can and share them.

From time to time events occur that cause evolutionary change. We call these events catastrophes, and the reason they effect evolution is because they act to prevent a large segment of the evolving population from breeding successfully. Folks that die don't pass on their genes, and exigent circumstances change which folks live to reproduce.

Today the primary division between those that will pass on their genes and those that won't is the ability to recognize and respond successfully to the violent and global attack on civilian populations by government and the institutions it controls. The enemedia, finance, health, police and military forces are all actively involved today in attacks on civilian populations, and a coordinated response to all threats is advanced by wearing recommended PPE. It is useful to keep in mind that threats from the full panoply of vectors enabled by all the institutions and industries need to be secured against, so masks, or gear that is not incorporated into a system that secures against all threats, are poor substitutes for proper gear.

Given the need to identify threats emergent from the environment, sensors that diagnose the pandemic pathogen are urgently required. Today proper gear design can incorporate necessary technology to accurately detect this pathogen, as well as a variety of other threats by incorporating additional modules for CBRN WMDs as advisable and economically attainable.

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These things cost money, and not everyone will be able to get them. As more folks do, prices should drop, and as 3D printers are dispersed more should be able to make them rather than buy them. This will be the critical aspect of the evolution ongoing: access to proper security from these threats. Making them ourselves during an intensive period of economic sanctions globally is probably the most useful response we can undertake.

Rapid adaptation to exigent circumstances is clearly advisable during evolutionary events. Folks able to adapt via adoption of modified off the shelf components providing security from the variety of threats now being deployed should, and enable their designs and products to become available to as many of their fellows as they desire support from during active operations.

Adapt or die.

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