Israel Knew Hamas Plans for more than a year before Oct. 7 Attack.

Operation Jericho Wall was what Israeli Defense and intelligence officials called the plans they obtained more than a year before they were carried out.

IMG source - - as archived by

In the year following their acquisition of the plans, Benjamin Netanyahu assured funding for Hamas of ~$15M/month continued to be hand delivered in suitcases of cash. All the targets of the Hamas forces in the plan were military, and all the civilians deliberately targeted and killed on Oct. 7th were killed by IDF forces, who blamed Hamas for it. All the claims of rape, of beheaded babies, and other atrocities have been disproved, and are complete fabrications. All claims of Hamas atrocities turn out instead to be acts the IDF regularly commits against Palestinian mothers and their children.

Further, Hamas has issued a public statement regarding the Oct. 7 attack, which it called Al Aqsa Flood, that no Western media outlets have published. You can see it here, starting at 4:25:00.

These blatant lies, atrocities, and war crimes - even the false claims of atrocities are war crimes themselves - are being committed by the Zionazis that have been set up on Palestinian lands by the Rothschilds, and are being funded and supported by their fellow Zionists in the financial industry and national governments of the West, including both Biden and Trump, while they ethnically cleanse and genocide the native inhabitants of Palestine so they can take their homeland and call it Israel.

I highly recommend Grand Theft World, the video source linked above. The linked video is over 8 hours, and it's a non-stop examination of factual evidence of crimes against humanity with demonstrable links to banks, corporations, and governments that will enable you to stop being fooled by liars scamming you and start supporting just policies. If you believe the truth will set you free, start that video at the beginning and watch it through to the end.

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