Victim Family of London's Grenfell Tower Inferno Release Crime Report Alleging Fire To Be Satanic Mass Murder. Whistleblower 'Ronald Bernard's Testimony Used As Evidence.

The Grenfell Tower Fire in London, England occurred on the 14th June, 2017 and at least 45 people died in the inferno. My post at the time showed numerous professional witnesses and residents testifying to an apparent coverup and malfeasance. Now, relatives of two of the victims - Marjorie and Ernie Vital - have released a large, detailed crime report for inclusion in the Public Inquiry into the event and they make clear that for them, the event was a deliberate mass murder orchestrated by members of the government, local council and with secret service backing.

grenfell tower fire

The Farrell Report

The report was prepared, in part, by a lady by the name of 'seven' who has previously been in the public eye due to her involvement in a complex case that involved her alleged designs for several popular British TV shows having been stolen by Intellectual Property Lawyers. The case alleged a connection to a criminal gang that was involved in the London 7/7 Bombing, the CIA's propaganda operations (Operation Mockingbird) and numerous other high profile crimes. It was her uncle and aunt that died in the tower and which prompted her to create the report with other family members. Extensive details of these previous cases are available in 'The Farrell Report' here.

Grenfell Tower Crime Report

In the new report, it is alleged that (among many other points):

  • The deaths in the Grenfell tower were Murder.
  • "the entire Grenfell Tower situation was ‘deliberately’ pre-engineered to ensure that the residents were maliciously, viciously and violently ‘forced’ to endure the most horrific form of psychological terror, torture and death imaginable"
  • "Eye witnesses have said they saw a group of men running in the opposite direction of the Grenfell Tower building wearing secret service clothing directly after the fire had started. This urgently needs to be investigated with CCTV footage collected to identify these men"
  • "Residents have stated that they were visited by the Councillors (or the fire brigade?) two days before the fire and told “if there is a fire to stay inside their flats”. This needs to be urgently investigated with CCTV footage collected to establish exactly who had visited the residents and told them that."
  • "Residents have stated that ‘two fire exits were sealed’ during the works carried out on the building. Urgent investigations need to be done to find out exactly who ordered this to be done."
  • "Residents have stated that they saw men tampering with the gas pipes outside the Grenfell Tower building just before the fire. CCTV footage needs to be collected to find out exactly who these men were, and whether gas pipes were tampered with."
  • "Residents have stated that the 8 Million plus pounds spent on cladding the Grenfell Tower building was done to specifically make it unsafe and pre prepped to be burnt up."
  • "Residents have stated that Grenfell Tower was turned in a modern day gas chamber by members of the council who hold hate fuelled Nazi supremacist beliefs. This needs to be urgently investigated to establish whether or not any of the council are part of any Nazi organisations, cults or groups."
  • "various applications were made to demolish the Grenfell Tower building from 22nd May 2014 onwards"
  • "Residents have stated that many residents were making their way’ out of the building to escape the fire in the early stages, but were told to return back to their flats and stay inside."
  • "Residents have stated that the water supply was deliberately turned off on the upper floors during the height of when the inferno was raging;"
  • "Residents have stated that some properties had up to 42 people in one flat and that Grenfell Tower Fire was being used to hide bodies from other crimes perpetrated elsewhere."
  • "Residents at Grenfell Tower had written website blogs many years before the Inferno entitled ‘playing with fire’ showing clearly that they all knew that their lives were in serious risk danger, so had tried desperately to appeal to the KCTMO management sense of conscience but their appeals fell on deaf ears."
  • "Residents have stated they had done extensive prior research and produced prima facie material evidence about there being other fires at other Tower blocks that the KCTMO Company had managed. These other prior fires had apparently been started under equally sinister circumstances and that residents from other local Tower Blocks lives were only saved just in time by fire fighters."
  • "Residents have stated that the victim survivors have not received a penny from the fast selling mainstream Grenfell charity singles, events or productions claiming that they are on behalf of the victims."
  • "Residents have asked who changed the Grenfell Tower building’s Zurich Insurance policy, just 3 months before the Inferno; to Protector Foresking in order for them to ‘specialize’ in a massive claim for Human casualties.."
  • The criminal gang that are alleged to have caused the Grenfell Tower blaze are also in control of numerous major mainstream media corporations and have used their position to commit numerous serious crimes to further their own agenda.
  • Predictive programming was used in mass media prior to the event, containing subliminal cues that point to the events of Grenfell prior their occurrence.
  • A Movie, due for release in August 2017, called 'Dark Tower', advertised on a BBC TV Series called 'Hustle, The Con Is On' - featured a main character called 'Lord Grenfell'. This is alleged to be part of the agendas defined within the remit of the CIA's 'Operation Mockingbird'. 'Dark Tower' is described as 'a very dark dystopian very sinister movie revolved around destroying a Tower in order to unleash unbelievable evil into the world'.
  • The Grandson of the REAL 'Lord Grenfell' worked as a program presenter for the same mainstream TV network where it is alleged that 'Seven's stolen TV ideas were sold.
  • On the night of the Grenfell tower fire, an interview with the then 'ex-tv presenter' Lord Grenfell was aired - by chance?

In Summary

The claim is that a highly organised gang of serious criminals - the same as previously described by the alleged whistleblower 'Ronald Bernard', who are involved in human slavery, torture, extortion and numerous other serious crimes - were involved in the causation of the fire. If this is true then it is probable that they acted, as occurred during the 'inside job' of 911 to complete numerous goals simultaneously - possibly including the destruction of evidence of other crimes that was hidden in the towers.

Grenfell Tower fire factually happened because a bunch of no good, exceptionally evil, highly corrupt, insane, extremely deranged dangerous greedy people with some extremely disturbing satanic beliefs and ideologies, in need of immediate emergency psychiatric intervention and removal from the public, clearly all wanted these residents to all be burnt alive in the most horrific way imaginable, with no means of getting out alive of what evidently was a very carefully meticulously pre engineered and manufactured nightmare snuff horror movie broadcasted to the world for sadistic pleasure

The full report can be read here.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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