NZ Shooter Was in Turkey At Exact Time of Terror Event there - Twice.. And German Gov Knew In Advance Both Times - Says Intel Specialist Sibel Edmonds

Following on from my previous post relating to the NZ shooting event in Christchurch, in which it was shown that a (heavily censored) specialist in occult numerical studies predicted the date of the attack in NZ months in advance... Now we have a well known political intel specialist stating that the shooter was, at least, possibly known to some 'secret services' in advance.

Tarrant is seen on a Turkish airport CCTV camera: Source: Daily Mail

As with many of these investigations, early data can be hard to corroborate, but Sibel Edmonds (founder of independent news platform 'Newsbud') has a pretty good track record and deserves to be heard. She states in today's video that Tarrant, the shooter in NZ was in Turkey twice and during both visits a terrorist event took place there. As I understand, she is saying that in both cases, the German embassy was shut down in advance, citing ISIS terror threats, and was nearby to the events that transpired. Sibel states that her research shows that these two events are the only examples she could find of the German embassy being shut down there in this way - so Tarrant just happened to visit Turkey on both rare occasions at exactly the same time! hmm...

This raises the question of how well known Tarrant was/is and whether he may have even been working with German secret services or groups in Germany. There are many possibilities here - ranging from the neutral to the highly disturbing and complex:

  • The German secret services could just be particularly good at monitoring communications and picking up that something was going to happen in advance. Even though apparently other governments didn't and none of them mentioned that Tarrant was being monitored.
  • Tarrant could have been working with groups in Germany who were involved in arranging the attacks in Turkey. Suggesting that his claim of being a 'white power' terrorist is false or misleading - in order to cover his real status and objective.
  • Tarrant is some kind of magical magnet for terrorism.
  • Completely random coincidence that is highly statistically unlikely - but technically not impossible.

Given that we already know that the number codes relating to this event are suspicious and that these codes can be found in terror events that are allegedly caused by a wide variety of groups.. I have to wonder, as many others are, just how true the stories of most of these events are. As a free thinker, I have to allow the possibility that many of these events are being orchestrated, perhaps using advanced mind control (such as the type that might have evolved following on from the acknowledged joint Nazi/US research program into trauma based mind control - MK Ultra) to further a more complex agenda behind the scenes. Manipulating the mass consciousness for persronal gain is the ultimate power move. As I have covered previously, numerous whistleblowers have attested to how ISIS is a creation of western secret services and governments and in particular, the US Army's Scott Bennett has been particularly vocal in identifying the methods that the CIA uses to find ISIS via swiss banks directly.

Many theories are being spread about what is really going on here - including blaming Israel and America for a continued war on the psychology of the planet in order to further their own agendas. I don't know the full truth of this, but it absolutely behooves us to keep an eye on it all and not just believe what we are fed. You wouldn't trust a mass murderer to tell you the truth, I imagine - so why do it here?

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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