Nobel Peace Prize Nominated for #Donald Trump , The Unclear Role in the Korea Crisis

#US President #Donald #Trump has been nominated for the #Nobel #Peace #Prize for his role in efforts to solve the #North #Korean crisis.

In the delegation, a group of 18 large Republican supporters of the trump has sent a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, calling upon the trump to be given the next Nobel Prize.-News Telegraph Online

#Trump fans believe that he is continuing to work peacefully in the world, he should give Nobel in peace.

The letter was sent to #Norwegian Nobel Committee on Wednesday led by Indian Republican Senator Luke Mussar.

It has been said that Trump has endured the war between North and South Korea for decades. In addition, he has put a pendant in Pyongyang's dictator Kim's nuclear weapons factory.

To make this historic contribution and peace in the world, the #2019 Nobel Prize Winner's Trump

Earlier South Korean President gave a vote of support to Trump. But there are many other people claiming that prize.

So far 330 nominees have been submitted to the #Nobel Committee. The names of the Nobel laureates will be announced later this year. It's been speculating.

But Donald Trump's nomination has already been debated. Trump has continually put a stop to many international organizations including the United Nations.

Former US diplomat Aaron Dawid said there was a myth in the scene. And in such a case, talking about giving Nobel to anyone can be nothing but a kind of immaturity.

He said, if diplomacy goes in the right direction, then the matter may be considered.

In addition to the issues related to the Nobel in the market, it is said that there is ambiguity in the role of the US president in solving the North Korean crisis.

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