Mark Zuckerberg's responsibility to accept and apologize to the US parliament

The social media's founder Mark Zuckerberg feared Russia's intervention again in the elections in the world by making weapons to Facebook. He claimed, at the moment, Facebook authorities are considering the priority of preventing interference. However, suspected Zakarbagh himself, whether or not he can prevent Russian intervention in the election. In response to the call of the US parliament last Tuesday, 44 founders of the upper house face the lawmaker, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He was summoned to the Senate for theft of a huge amount of Facebook user data. He has been answering several questions from lawmakers for a long time. While giving evidence, he claimed responsibility for the leakage and apologized. In a Senate hearing on the issue of Russia's influence in the US elections. The Senators also made reference to the use of Facebook as a weapon for that effect. Zuckerberg said at the time that Robert Mueller, special adviser to the Law and Justice Ministry, involved in investigating the Russian intervention in US elections interrogated Facebook staffers. However, he said he was not one of the people in the face of interrogation, said Zuckerberg. "Our work with the special adviser is confidential and I want to make sure that I do not disclose this secret matter here in this public gathering," said Robert Mueller's office investigating the Feb. 06 United States presidential assault on 13 February. . An alleged Russian organization is the Internet Research Agency, known as the 'Russian Trail Farm'. It is alleged that the company was a strategic target of debating the US political process. In response to a question from a senator from the New Mexico region, Zuckerberg said that in the countries which will be held in the world in 2018, their main goal is to ensure that outsiders do not interfere. At that time a senator presented a billboard image, where at the time of 2016 US Presidential election, the picture shows the Republican President Trump, the Green Party's Jill Stein and the Confederate Flag spread online. The senator wants to know, whether there is a chance to confirm that Facebook does not spread anything new.

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