When All Law-Abiding Citizens Can Legally Carry Guns No Law-Abiding Citizen Will Be Defenseless Against Armed Criminals

When All Law-Abiding Citizens Can Legally Carry Guns No Law-Abiding Citizen Will Be Defenseless Against Armed Criminals

Legally Carry Guns.PNG

Everyday we hear about criminals, Muslim terrorists and other types of mentally sick individuals killing and wounding unarmed law-abiding citizens. Why are law-abiding citizens FORCED by the government to be unarmed as is the case in so many areas of America such as Washington DC, which is one of the most violent and crime-ridden cities in the USA? Entire nations like the United Kingdom, Australia and others, forcibly took weapons away from their people. Their citizens now are outraged that they were left defenseless against armed criminals and terrorists. Even many police in these nations were disarmed thus leaving everyone defenseless against armed crazy people. Hear British citizen warn us to do everything possible to keep our Second Amendment Rights.

Armed People CAN Stop Crime

It is a proven fact that unarmed people are defenseless against armed criminals. That statement just made too much sense, didn't it? Forty-two states in the USA allow either concealed or open carry. In those states there are reports of tens of thousands of armed citizens saving themselves or others from violent criminals every year. Had they been unarmed, violent crime statics would be far worse. The vast majority of the time, police only arrive on crime scenes after the innocent are already killed or hurt. The only logical way to reduce violent crime is to ensure felons and the mentally unstable are not allowed to own guns, while arming those that are on the side of the law.

Non-Lethal Weapons for Those that Fear Guns

It is a fact that if given the right some people simply would not buy or carry a gun. However, if we train everyone on the importance of self-defense, we can educate those individuals on the basics of carrying non-lethal weapons to protect themselves. Anything is better than nothing when confronted by an armed violent criminal or terrorist. Who would protest allowing law-abiding individuals that fear guns to carry weapons that stun, scare or shoot non-lethal projectiles?

How to Secure Your Second Amendment Rights

The only way to protect and enhance your second amendment rights is to elect politicians at the local, state and federal levels that will enact laws giving complete self-defense freedoms to their law-abiding constituents. Every voter must be well-informed about the stances of candidates and vote out those that side with criminals by wanting to disarm honest citizens that obey local, state and federal laws. Another way millions of Americans have found to protect their Second Amendment rights is to support organizations that defend those rights legally and with grassroots efforts. The NRA is the largest 2nd Amendment rights organization in the USA.

Resources for USA Voters:


Accurate Ratings - Conservative.org

Congress - Freedomworks

Conservative Review - Scorecard

The New American - Freedom Index

Heritage Action Scorecard

Conservative Voting Records

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