In Many Currencies, Gold is Already at an All-Time Record High Right Now

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Think Gold has just gone up 15% in US dollars and reached 6-year highs of late?

Think again.

In many countries gold is at an all-time record high right now.

Australia and Canada are just two countries that mine a lot of gold, and in those currencies gold is not just at a six-year high- gold is at an all-time record high. It’s really only a question of time now and I don’t think it’s gonna be that much time before gold starts making an all-time record high in terms of US dollars as well because we are now in a period of currency weakness.

All currencies are losing value when priced in gold now relative to one another. Right now all currencies are sinking in value -they just sink at different levels and recently the dollar has been sinking more slowly than a lot of other currencies, but it’s about to pick up the pace.

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