“Leave no stone unturned”

Living for your dreams is hard, but living without them is an impossible choice.

I have attempted to write this statement hundreds of times.

It has been challenging.

And yet... it has been completely freeing to be at peace with the knowledge the right decision has been made. To know the right steps toward necessary change are in motion.

Knowing is a form of closure, reflection is a form of knowledge.

If you would allow me to reflect, I will share what I can.

Many of you "know" me, or of me, from my work pioneering several large ventures in the blockchain industry;

as friends of mine would phrase it “for being the woman with balls big enough, and vision broad enough to believe that change is possible, and to make that change happen, even in the face of adversity”.

Sure, I've been called crazy.


Crazy is a compliment, because being different changes the standard.

Being principled will cause those changes to live long beyond the sum of what the idea of "I" am.

"I" am crazy enough to stick by my principles when most people are just out to make money and take advantage of a broken system. Through living with principle, I hope to encourage others to develop their own.

Only with our powers of integrity and empathy combined can we create waves big enough to really rock the boat toward deep wealth instead of shallow progress.

My morals have not made me the richest woman on the planet (yet), but they have given me character. Authentic character, self-transcendence and emotional integrity, desperately needed qualities in modern leadership.

I have lead, I have loved and I have lost. Life has not always been easy, but it has always been interesting. I have learned the importance of letting go, even if that means clearing space by leaving something I love. Something I have invested a significant amount of emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual energy into.

I was a co-founder of BitNation. I helped build a company that was deeply and fundamentally important to me. I let her go. I let her go to figure out how to honor the principles I vowed when I started to build her. My work thrives in the pursuit of peace. Not violence. No war, empathy over authority, restorative justice.

There are so many things I could say to expound on why I made the decision to leave.

It should have been a hard decision.

I invested three years of my life into co-founding that venture.

But... I cannot sacrifice the integrity of my principles to win.

The future of governance should not be about propagating failed incentives of the past. Hegelian dialectic should not be employed to force people to choose between two more or less violent alternatives with central control. Our human potential is powerful, and we deserve better from each other and FOR each other.

In the pursuit of pursuing a vision for a more peaceful planet without the continued use of violence, I left.

Now, I find myself here, creating CULTU.RE.

CULTU.RE is the next generation of governance for an interplanetary society.

Join us in the pursuit of peace.



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