Rhode Island Bill will charge $20 fee to unblock porn

I'm sure no one here looks at porn and won't affect them, but this opens the door to the fears many had about the lack of Net Neutrality.

There was an old "mock" up from 2014 when this started to become an issue that shows the direction the Internet will go if Net Neutrality was abolished. It is becoming closer to a reality than you think.


There is currently a bill on the floor by the Rhode Island lawmakers that will charge $20 to enable access to porn. If you do not opt-in, access to any "sexual content and/or patently offensive material" will be blocked. The way this is worded, it will not be limited to porn only. In fact, I can see this being extended to communities like 4Chan, Reddit, and even Steemit as there are parts of the community that allow this sort of content.

There is actually a definition in the Rhode Island law that states what "patently offensive material" is, and it is very open-ended. Patently Office Material - "so offensive on its face as to affront current standards of decency."

As of right now, the fee is a $20 one-time fee after submitting in writing you acknowledge the dangers. If approved, it won't be long until this is a monthly fee and extends to things like gaming, movies, unmoderated communities, and whatever they can think of that will generate revenue.

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