The USA and its commercial relations with Europe

The US president, Donald Trump, has a proposal for Europe and the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker has traveled to Washington to meet with the American president to negotiate a trade agreement. Trump has made public a proposal to negotiate and eliminate all tariffs between Europe and the United States.

Literally he posted on Twitter: "The European Union will come to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a trade agreement, I have an idea for them, both the US and the EU abolish all tariffs, restrictions and subsidies! fair! The United States is ready, but the EU will not be! "

It is evident that this publication is a provocation to establish the framework of the conversation they will have in private. The main objective of Juncker is to relax the tension in the transoceanic relationship. And adjust or even eliminate some of the most important tariffs for both parties. Recall that the United States already imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum in the EU, with which Europe responded with tariffs on Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Levy's jeans and peanut butter, among 200 other products. To this response, the United States threatens tariffs of 20% on imports of European cars. Mainly Germans, which represent an important weight in the GDP of the Bavarian country.

Pending the outcome of the meeting, it is expected that this crossing of threats has only served so that both parties can sit down and establish the principles of negotiation.

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