As the US Starts a New War in Syria With No Evidence, Israel Is Murdering Civilians—On Video

By Matt Agorist

 Over the weekend, the United States led a coordinated attack—along  with French and British forces—on the sovereign country of Syria.  Western nations have ganged up on and attacked this sovereign state,  launching countless missiles, hitting civilian targets, and, all of it  was based on alleged crimes for which they had no evidence. After the strikes Friday night, the French and British governments released the supposed  evidence they had to justify the act of war carried out by allied  nations in Syria. The reports admitted to not having any actual  intelligence and the “evidence” was based on “open source” information  widely available on the internet.     These open source accounts were little more than videos and  testimonies from groups such as the White Helmets—who have been known to  create fake videos, support terrorists, and much more.  

To those paying attention to Syria, the White Helmets aiding or even  participating in terrorism should come as no surprise and the  retaliatory nature of these strikes plays right into the hands of  terrorists. Indeed, political analysts are referring to the United  States as the “ISIS Air Force.”  

 To put this into perspective, the United States, Britain, and France  launched a coordinated act of war on a sovereign country, based on  crimes for which they had almost no evidence, which could potentially be  the catalyst for World War 3—and all of it was carried out under the  ostensible auspices of humanitarianism. 

While there is a tiny chance that Assad did actually release chemical  weapons on his own people in order to drive out the remaining  insurgents from Douma, it goes against all logic as it would provoke the  actions which are now taking place—ensuring the rest of the country is  invaded and turned to rubble by US-made missiles. 

“The way the people that perpetuate these false flags [sic] say that  Assad is gassing his own people, at the same time, he’s winning the war  and the people are flocking back in to go to the territories that he has  returned to the government of Syria,” explained former Congressman Ron Paul last week

“But, nevertheless, he’s out there gassing his own people, which makes no sense whatsoever and fewer and fewer people are believing this.” To illustrate just how grotesque of a sham the attacks on Syria  actually are, one need only look at the current atrocities being carried  out by Israel and the utter lack of concern, media coverage, and  political attention it is receiving. 

As TFTP has reported,  dozens of Palestinians have been killed and nearly 1,300 have been  wounded by live fire and rubber bullets from the Israeli Military—just  in the last few weeks—as protests have increased near the border,  according to the Health Ministry in Gaza. Palestinians claim that the protests are a symbol of their desire to  speak out again Israel’s occupation of their land and control over their  resources. Samer, 27, told the Jerusalem Post that he risked his life to join in the protests because he wanted to take a stand. 

“Israel took everything from us, the homeland, freedom, our future,”  Samer said. “I have two kids, a boy, and a girl, and if I die, God will  take care of them.” While Israel has falsely claimed that every man or teenage boy who  participated in the protests was a “militant” for Hamas, and desrved to  die, there was one civilian death that was particularly notable.   

Yaser Murtaja, a Palestinian photojournalist, was wearing a jacket that clearly said “PRESS” when he was shot in the chest and killed by an Israeli sniper on Friday. 

As The Intercept noted,  “Either the Israeli sniper could not clearly see who was in the rifle  scope—in which case the claim that the use of live fire is precise is  shown to be untrue—or the soldier intentionally fired at a journalist, which is a war crime.” Israel has also been caught on video murdering innocent unarmed people and laughing about it. 

 Shocking footage also emerged online last month highlighting this  brutal treatment of the Palestinian people by the Israeli government. In  the video, police are seen throwing a stun grenade at a couple who is  running away from them—holding a baby. 

The video was taken by an activist for the Israeli human rights group, Yesh Den.  In the short clip, the couple is seen fleeing to their home in the  village of Burin as four Israeli officers approach them from behind. In  spite of the couple posing no threat and holding a baby, one of the  officers throws a stun grenade right at them. 

 But innocent journalists, babies, and random strangers aren’t the  only ones being attacked by the state of Israel. The country is also  reportedly actively spraying chemical weapons, in the form of toxic  herbicides over the crops of innocent farmers. 

While Israel claimed that it was just using its planes to get rid of  weeds and extra grass along the border with Palestinian territory,  Palestinian officials have criticized the interference. “These chemicals cause damage to agricultural crops and  harm farmlands. Israel has no right to spray herbicides on Palestinian  farmlands,” Nizar al-Wahedi of the Palestinian Agriculture Ministry told the Anadolu Agency. 

Unlike in Syria, we have documented evidence of actual murder, war  crimes, and chemical weapons use and the US is not only silent on these  atrocities but outspoken over their support for the state of Israel. To be clear, no one here is advocating for the same action taken on  Syria to be carried out on the state of Israel. 

Instead, this comparison  is meant to expose the rife hypocrisy and the ulterior motive behind  the war in Syria. The fact is that conflicts in these countries are none of the United  States’ business and pledging US tax dollars and lives to intervene in  them is not only unconstitutional, but it creates far more conflict than already exists. 

 As TFTP has reported, the war in Syria has been planned for years and it has nothing to do with humanitarian purposes. We  would all do wise to remember the false claims of WMDs in Iraq and the  horror story created by US intervention thereafter. Indeed, most  conflicts throughout US history have been based entirely on lies, propaganda, and false flags. 

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