FBI Agent Charged With Obstruction In LaVoy Finicum Murder

June 29, 2017-

LaVoy Finicum who was murdered by Oregon State Police along with the FBI nearly a year and half ago is back in the spotlight. W. Joseph Astarita an FBI agent was indicted on 5 felony counts in Portland Oregon. A loose group of militia members including Ammon Bundy took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge back in January 2016. LaVoy Finicum became the spokesperson for the militia group. Federal prosecutors charged Astarita with lying to his supervisors not once but twice and he was also charged with obstruction of justice. At issue was the fact FBI hostage team members were at a roadblock set up to trap and arrest the leaders of the occupying group. If you watch the video below you can see the bullet they say was fired by Astarita that missed LaVoy and struck the window of the truck he was driving.

You can watch the whole scene unfold from inside the truck as it was taped as they tried to drive to see the sheriff over in the next county. Up until this fateful day they had been able to leave the refuge and drive to meet with several people including sheriff's who were trying to end this ordeal peacefully. Oregon State Police decided to end the situation by attempting to arrest the leaders. The first truck stopped and had no resistance. LaVoy spoke with Oregon State Police for a minute or so telling them they were driving to meet with the sheriff as scheduled. They drove off for a few minutes until they ran into a blind roadblock set up a mile or two up the same highway. The roadblock made LaVoy crash into a snow bank, he exited the truck and was shot dead moments later. Unfortunately, nobody else will have to answer for what happened and we'll see what happens in this case.

I'm thinking if he pleads guilty and gets a slap on the wrist he'll probably retire early and get a nice pension for his efforts. So what we have is just a show trial to make everyone feel like justice is being served.




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