Share on some steemit about the mysterious alien satellite

The 1809 nikola tesla was experimenting on wireless distribution and radio signals in his Colorado Springs facility,astronomy-1849035_960_720.jpg

Suddenly getting an electronic signal, he was very surprised and thought that it was coming from a world outside the world, he estimated that the signal was sent from Mars and he later Changed his speech saying that it may be coming from a place in space but better It was not possible to tell where its source was due to lack of equipment. Nicola Tesla publishes an article with it that after some time talking with the planets, I was an Italian inventor and electrical engineer. He was returning. He is returning a web page called " He was coming back to him for three to five seconds and he got the signal.
Later it was known that these were examined in hd 12928 to 1930 in the UK and in France, but no one was able to retrieve what the signals were coming from. This experiment then became the subject of the Black Knight Discussion. In 1946, the news of Black Knight satellites spread to the media. In 1954, an article was published in the New York Times and it was said that on Earth, It is a study of unknown satellite navigation, because no country could set up orbit the orbit of the United States. So Russia may have saturated or satellised satellite to monitor them. On 14 May 1954 a report of the san francisco examiner came out to say that Either it has found a strange satellite and it is believed that it is the duty to monitor Russia In the same year, 23 August in the technology report, it has been found and the ExtraTrustRelease denies the whole world, and reveals the fact that two meteorites are traveling in the world. In the year 1957, Black Knight satellites came to headline to study the girl when communication minister The Black Knight satellites were passing through the sky on the earth Sina were normal rotation of the Earth was using the earth from west to east.Tesla31-150x150.jpg
Nearly four years after it was noticed near usa in February 1960, after wears a strange black thing, we can calculate its weight, saying that it is weighing 15 tons and the spacecraft is the most surprising thing that Polar Satellite is the technology to make Russia No one else had the power to make such a large space craft. None of these two countries had the same thing. This mysterious satellite was named when the satellite was circling the earth rather than satellite satellites, after seven months after the incident, on September 3, 1960, a photograph of the black knight was taken in the camera of the Germany Club Corporation on Long Island, and it was reported from various places around the world. To form a committee in Germany, to study it, it is seen as a non- After many years of follow-bhuta it can be found again.hubble-telescope-1347645_960_720.jpg
corporation constitutes a committee to study it, it is seen that this satellite follows a strange pattern because it can be seen many years later. 940 friends scientist jobs valley discovered a strange thing that he found that a brightly identified object is the opposite of the Earth. At that time, there was no technology in which the satellite had such a retrograde orbit. It can not be done in the present technology, it is the only possible valley when recording its recording in front of the spectacular Scientist, it is clipped and the video is destroyed, no one knows why it is clamped and its recording is broken, maybe Black Knight's existence They try to hide it because they can prove to be found in the 1970's, Stanford E. Niversity space scientist Ronald Black Knight satellites showed signs and signals that he was sent from an alien civilization in many parts of the world, so that they could communicate with the Earth sent to know whether there is any advanced civilization in space on any other planet. Influenced by this theory, science fiction or third and hd found in 1925 By mapping signals and some other radio signals, he decoded these signals and found that the signals were sent from the exiled bio-telegram of Islam, by decoding the messages, he said that our home sf has been said to be Thailand's Whit is the Full form of
One more thing is to understand that if Alien comes from Spaceship Station it will take many years to reach the Earth, which means that this satellite may be circling the globe since prehistoric times. Perhaps no civilization in the Tables has been trying to contact the world for many years, Tesla and Marconi Mysterious signals were received by these 1 night satellites It was the first visual evidence is found when the spacecraft from space and captured the Black Knight and Black Knight in some of the pictures is the greatest
It was blown away in science circles that the florist of Cooper was told that the Black Knight Satellite has been circling the Earth for 13 thousand years. The Polar Orbit was photographed in a NASA s.tsh mission in 1988 and published on NASA's web site. Is either ufo but some days later those pictures are removed and later it is again uploaded as saying that it is a The blanket was blanket and tried to conceal it, but a thermal blancette structure can not be such. According to Space Agency, Black Knight Satellite has transmitted signals for many years. If we do not have footage available in all parts of the world and can not do it properly, then maybe we can call Black Knight I understand correctly but the problem is that space organization is always all about Try to hide.

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