What is Fake News? The Infowars Dossier.

Hi all,

Its been a while, I don't think I am going to write about crypto today. Instead I am going to write about something I have been seeing more frequently over the last few months. What is Fake News? Where does it come from? Who publishes this, most importantly why is this published? Who is to gain?

Fake News has been around for sometime, and yet the term has been slung around more then a cowboys lasso. We hear it constantly from prominent political figures to the point where we just don't want to hear it.

My adventure started with fake news on Twitter, as I began to become more politically involved I would see these outlandish articles. I would read them and often after scratch my head...asking myself what has just happened here?

Fake News is pretty broad by definition. Could be fictitious reporting, could be a varying degree of truth in the report but massively distorted.

Honestly, In light of Project Veritas new publications about NYT and Youtube imprinting their political affiliation on publications is pretty well damning. I like to think that as most individuals who read the news are reading it to find unbiased reporting, regardless of political affiliation. I'm not going to get into this a whole lot, as I will save it for those who are directly reporting this information.

Where does Fake News come from?

I would like to say the biggest propagator of fake news comes from Infowars. Infowars comes from Genesis Communications Network, started in 1996 on a Houston based public access channel. Produced by Kevin Booth (remember this name as we will be circling back around to it later). One of Alex Jones and Kevin's publications was of Waco Texas....

Why is this so important one may ask? What if the person producing these publications was in fact really someone else? No this is not a tinfoil hat type of conspiracy. Rather a intricate conspiracy to fool would be readers into believing their publications where in fact valid.

In the 1990's there was a comedian that was very politically charged, His name was yes, Bill Hicks. (Before you exit this keep reading as I will show you some very interesting evidence)

One of the last pieces of footage was of Bill Hicks and Kevin Booth in Waco Texas, in you guessed it 1994... just 2 years before Alex shows up to report on this hot news..

Bill Hicks and Kevin Booth in Waco

Alex Gets called Bill... by different people

Bill Hicks Meets Alex Jones

To some, they may scoff and state that this is a crazy theory and has been dis-proven. Supposedly, Bill Hicks died in 1994 of cancer in Little Rock, AL.

Bill Hicks gets exposed as Alex Jones

Now up until now, I am sure many are just wondering what is the point? Who cares? Well imagine if you will Ron Paul was telling the truth about people like Alex Jones. Ron Paul states that per Quigley book "Tragedy and Hope" that "they /CIA" planned far enough in advance that none of it would really matter. They could carry out their plots and still have a success rate.

Its interesting to point out that during the divorce proceeding with his now Ex wife, Alex Jones lawyer makes some very interesting statements about Alex...

How in the world can a dead man give a political contribution?




Also here is another really odd doppelganger..
Lean Mcadoo is really Princess Iman Al-Hussein?


Yes Princess Iman Al-Hussein studied in Mass. and majored in Veterinary Medicine in DC.

So as I was thinking about all of this and why it would be important to the average person is, to those of us like me, who try and hold the government and press accountable for their publications and actions. Who would rather live along side of other people without them being holed up and armed to the teeth fearing the end of the world by the hands of the NWO.

It would be much easier to maintain balance among us people and not have our civil liberties taken away if everyone was on the same page. This is a controlled opposition. So as it leads many astray from the truth there would not be enough people to relatively make an impact in lets say policy. Without majority IT CANT BE DONE. This is the WHOLE POINT, as more and more people are increasingly on edge because of all these conspiracies we have lost an element of humanity. We cannot focus our efforts on a single goal.

Whole point of this article is basically show you guys. Do not support Infowars or Prison Planet as it is a deceptive tool to mislead the masses. If this entity actually reported anything factual Alex Jo---I mean Bill Hicks.. would have suffered the same fate as William Cooper. It is FAKE NEWS. Just for profit. So now you have all the information I can possible write, gather in a short period of time.

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