Flooding worsens at NC beaches due to sea level rise

Living in cities threatened by sea-level rise could be like living near an active volcano, according to NOAA oceanographer William Sweet. Some parts of the Earth are seeing sea levels rise far beyond average, and it's just a waiting game before some areas are inundated with sea water, studies show. The East Coast of the U.S. is experiencing "sunny day flooding" that scientists didn't expect for decades yet. Sea levels are rising at a rate of about an inch per year (5 inches from 2011-15) in some areas along the East Coast, from North Carolina to Florida, according to one study — that's faster than researchers expected.

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My thoughts on this news

We are seeing a slow and steady journey to devastation for many coastal communities all over the world. North Carolina is a perfect example of this, they have been experiencing higher than normal sea level rise over the last 50 years. Ocean water is not even all over the planet, it moves and can rise more in some places, as water gets warmer due to sea ice and glacial melt it will expand. Which means hurricanes and storms will cause greater devastation in the future. The people living in these areas are fighting a losing battle against time, they will be forced to move and they will lose everything depending on when they decide to leave. No one can predict the future, but based on what is happening with glacial melt and above average temperatures we know sea levels will go up, the only thing that is uncertain is how quickly it will happen. The economic impact this will have on governments all over the world is something we have never seen in the history of this planet...

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